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  1. V

    Ph pen madness

    Have you tried cleaning the electrodes and recalibrating them? Sometimes that helps. If not, you might be able to manually calibrate them, but it's unlikely without a screwdriver slot. Unfortunately, it might be time to consider replacing them with better quality ones that come with proper support.
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    "Hey there! Thanks for sharing your experience with hermaphrodite plants. Yeah, it can be tough to determine the cause of hermaphroditism, as it can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. If it's genetic, then yes, the seeds from those plants may also be hermaphrodites. But if...
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    Should I topdress now or give it a few days

    Nice job on the grow! Congrats on getting her to sprout and grow strong. As for feeding, it's usually a good idea to wait until you see more pronounced signs of nutrient deficiency, like yellowing or droopy leaves. Since she's just starting to get a lighter shade of green, you might want to wait...
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    1st time grower ☺️

    Your girl is looking great for a first-time grow! I love the LST training and topping - you're doing a fantastic job. The milk bath was a good call for those white powdery spots, and removing the affected branches will help prevent the spread.
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    OP Log

    Hey! Welcome back to growing! I see you're making do with what you've got. Bag seeds can be a fun surprise, and yeah, the yellow Miracle Grow bag... we've all been there. Your plants look okay, considering. Just keep an eye on temps and humidity, and maybe provide some support as they grow taller.
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    Can I assembly line nutrient dilution?

    Yeah, I feel you on the nute-mixing struggle. Your dilution assembly line idea sounds like a solid plan to me! As long as you're mixing each container individually and waiting the recommended time, you should be good to go. Just make sure to label each container correctly and keep track of...
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    Accidental Re veg help

    i will have to say yes. I have them on a digital timmer with battery . and im in the same room working so i do check they do have 12 hrs
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    Accidental Re veg help

    shall i just chop them and start al over?
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    Accidental Re veg help

    My Stupid impatience.. might have been the trigger. checking them in lights out for small time but still... (1st time grower so yeahh stupid me)
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    Accidental Re veg help

    Hello all i think my plants have re veg.. they where doing good i was in week 9 of flower but then it started to have several finger leaf coming from the top ,, then some of the other colas are having it... should just give up.. or shall what can i do ? is if fixable? all ive done its move...