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  1. greensones

    Toxic Salt Build-up? Help! with PICS

    thanks bubba! so maybe chlorine is the problem. i usualy feed them at about 2.0 ec during flowering(dont know that in ppm) my tap water is 0.4 ec. i allways mix my solution as directed on the lables, but maybe it got to strong due to evaporation. i change the whole solution every week, but even...
  2. greensones

    Toxic Salt Build-up? Help! with PICS

    the first pic on my post shows the yellowing, check it sure its not nitrogen, maybe overfeed, but it looks like salts to me. can anyone give me a diagnosis by looking at the picture?
  3. greensones

    Toxic Salt Build-up? Help! with PICS

    thanks for the help guys! do we all agree the yellowing is due to salt build up? anyone think its something else?
  4. greensones

    Toxic Salt Build-up? Help! with PICS

    Thanks for the quick reply Roseman. So flushing with Hard water is ok? or do you suggest i try something else?
  5. greensones

    Toxic Salt Build-up? Help! with PICS

    hi im wondering if this is a toxic salt build up. these pictures were taken at week 8 1/2. HPS 600w, ebb and flow system, rockwool and expanded clay pellets. air temp 28 degrees celcius, humidity 48%. i use hard water from the tap at 0.4 EC. at 18 degrees celcius. General Hydroponics flora...