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  1. brickinthewall

    Illinois/Wisconsin area growers

    For the record, nothing wrong with going further south than 54th and hyde park. My old roommate went to U of C, and the staff told him to stay away from the south side and cross to the other side of the street when they see "people of color". Let's not continue this kind of thinking people...
  2. brickinthewall

    Coke Bottle "COLAS" and i aint talking about soda pop

    That's the biggest bud I've ever seen. I'm setting my shit up asap to have some dro by mid summer hopefully. Thanks for the advice panda.
  3. brickinthewall

    Apple safari for windows

    Don't even mention xbox 360. I'm still sick my box died with the red ring of light a few months ago, hasn't worked since. I got it when they first came out, good while it lasted. Got it modded and everything, worthless now. Still think it's better than PS3, so I'll get another eventually. That...
  4. brickinthewall

    Apple safari for windows

    Yea, I checked out that leopard demo on their site, it looks crazy innovative. I might as well wait, I've been looking for a decent priced iMac on ebay for months. They're pricey, but if they'll eliminate my crash, reboot, crash woes I have with Windows, it'll be worth it.
  5. brickinthewall

    Apple safari for windows

    I've been looking into switching from PC to Mac. It's better with Firefox, but overall PCs are troublesome. I'll give Safari a run. Thanks for the info.