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  1. mckoomer

    dont need fancy expensive nutes......... get a fish tank

    Your right I’ll just fall in line and follow
  2. mckoomer

    dont need fancy expensive nutes......... get a fish tank

    hello, anyone use fish tank waste to feed their plants. once i started really made things very simple and the plants seem to really love it. soil mix 1/2 kellog raised bed this has some nutes in it 1/4 coco 1/4 perlite nutes mixed in- amount for 5 gal grow bag 50 ml Espoma citrus tone 50ml...
  3. mckoomer


    Hello I’m doing this grow just using fish tank water. ILGM. super silver haze fem 3x4x5 tent SF1000 18hr 5gal bag 2/3kellog raised bed 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco All nutes espoma have a picture listing amounts This week I did a water change in my fish tank I rinsed my filter media off in one of the...
  4. mckoomer

    Turning yellow

    Gold leaf photo 3weeks into flower starting to turn yellow in a 3gal fabric pot soil Kellogg raised bed water 6.2-6.5 using espoma garden tone 1/2 tablespoon top dress 2 weeks ago is this nitrogen def I was thinking about making a worm casting / blood meal tea. But should I worry about...
  5. mckoomer

    PH fluctuations

    Hard ass
  6. mckoomer

    PH fluctuations

    I’ve been using tap water that I airate overnight then ph it down to 6.8 ish. This time I had to wait a day after adjusted I tested it again and the ph was 7.5. Out of the tap it’s 7.9-8.5 had ass water
  7. mckoomer

    Soil mix

    Looking for some wisdom on mixing soil. I've had nothing but problems with stuff out of the bag. Going to start a new grow in 2 months. Growing 2 sour diesel af from ilgm. What I've done in preparation is 1\3 peat moss 1\3 Kellogg organic plus potting soil 1\3 perlite. Mixed up about 5 gallons...
  8. mckoomer

    is this a nitrogen deficiency

    I water about every 5-6 days growing in 7 gal tote ill try your suggestions " light and cal mag" Thanks
  9. mckoomer

    is this a nitrogen deficiency

    8weeks in critical mass af high cbd version been yellow from the start. Every time i try to feed ends up with nute burn on the tips. Have kellog organic plus potting mix use ff trio dont even use at 1/4 strength water ph to 6.5 spider farmer 1000 18/6 light is 16in above tent stays aroun 80...
  10. mckoomer

    When to harvest CBD strains.

    Just started a critical mass CBD strain how did yours turn out
  11. mckoomer

    high CBD strain

    Starting a new grow trying a high CBD strain from ILGM critical mass. About 3 weeks in. Wondering if anyone has grown these types of plants and if anything needs to be done differently. ILGM CRITICAL MASS HIGH CBD AUTO 2/3 Kellog organic potting mix plus(has worm castings and chicken poop)...
  12. mckoomer

    flushing ph

    Is there any reason to ph water when flushin
  13. mckoomer

    what's wrong

    My plant has herpes
  14. mckoomer

    Flux training

  15. mckoomer

    how to make weed stem tea ???

    Get some stems Get some hot water Put stems in hot water....wait.....wait...............................wait some more ..... Remove stems Drink If you burn your mouth with the liquid you didn't wait long enough
  16. mckoomer

    Should I worry

    Not brittle
  17. mckoomer

    Should I worry

    10 days ago I noticed yellow tips and twisting new growth. Plant cheese auto in 5th week. I figured it is nute burn. 7 days ago did a 6.5 ph water only enough to get about 40% run off. This morning did the same. Planning to start feeding again once the soil dries at 1/2 strength (fox farm...
  18. mckoomer

    what is the best non-violent form of revenge

    That's greatness! 100%. True
  19. mckoomer

    Everybody has the right to grow marijuana (& your opinions)

    How much weed is to much to smoke a month
  20. mckoomer

    What? Seeds in my ductape

    You must have a roll of male duct tape somewhere near by