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  1. E

    Plants Sick plz help cant figure it out

    this is why im confused my growing dosnt seem to be slowed too much and they are not droopy, only the bottem of the plants, specificly a couple fan leaves are yellowing uniformly and have necrosis( i think this is due to a spider mite problem i got rid of 2 weeks ago), the top most of the plants...
  2. E

    Plants Sick plz help cant figure it out

    ty for reply and welcoming me , yes i have read everything i can find this is why i came here, is it possible that this is a Def when all plants show the defects at same time? the younger ones dont get nutes yet, i was thinking it was more of a global evo problem, like maybe my ph? tho still i...
  3. E

    Plants Sick plz help cant figure it out

    plz if anyone could help id appreciate it
  4. E

    Leaf light yellow speckled, mushrooms ?

    go to lowes/homedepo and buy Hot shots no pest strips 1 will kill every spider mite in your area with no spraying and absolutly no harm to you plants, just take em out when they all gone, and dont use during flowering, google it ull see many postings on it
  5. E

    Plants Sick plz help cant figure it out

    also i should add that these are in veg, and on a 24/hr light cycle
  6. E

    Plants Sick plz help cant figure it out

    Hi this is my first time posting on these forums and id like to say ive found alot of info here, but i cannot figure out what is wrong with my plants and im worried about thier health cause due to recent problems ill need to continue cloneing this mother to continue my genitics or lose them and...