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  1. B


    Looking amazing! Hope mine look half that good! I added terpene enhancer between weeks 3 and 4. Running 1170 ppm and ph 5.63.
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  3. B


    2 months into this. My very first grow. No issues so far other than clogged sprayers when I first started. Any tips are welcomed please and thanks. Pic is March 29th.
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    Got an update?
  5. B


    My reservoir and manifold before drilling out the nozzle locations. Will update grow pics as well. Would like to see other aaeroponic setups if there are any out there.
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    First attempt at Aeroponics. First grow in 2 years!

    Damn really want to see more damn opiates
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    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Got my hands on some supposed 30 year old skunk beans. Got some in soil and some low pressure Aero my first grow. Fingers crossed!
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    I heard that weed with seeds is not good weed?

    Weed with seeds has nothing to do with genetics per say. You truly want sensimillla which is unfertilized female flowers though. Once the flowers receive pollen they put effort into creating seeds and less thc to attract pollen. Germinate those and grow you some sensimillla!! Ditch the bananas!
  9. B


    Any ideas on pk boosters or bloom enhancers? I have some tps terpene enhancer I am going to try to use once I am in flower. Also using Armor Si for silica. CalMag as well. Some of my roots are ready for take off! Waiting on 8 out of 36 to root I think.... Then switch
  10. B


    Roots are looking great what nutes are you running?
  11. B


    Here is an interesting post on aeroponics. I really think this the way to go once you figure out the initial issues. I'm just getting started myself so have a lot to learn on the way... I would like to hear from someone with experience in aero...
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    I have started a low pressure aeroponics my first grow built myself for less than $100. So far I believe I'm doing well first roots took 2 weeks on clones.