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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Wow... who keeps their stash for years? Lol Shame it cant get any better :(
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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Do you guys think its possible to obtain something better at this stage by curing? Except of the taste and it possible to make the plant more potent now that i cut it or curing doesn't affect that?
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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Candy cush a 7-8 week one, at least that was on the website..
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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Yes i had a smoke of it and it had a quite euphoric high... i didnt felt too stoned yet i was..lagging alot when i went out for shopping xD
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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Thanks, one of the plants had root issues so it didnt had any more green leaves therefore i cut them all... next time i will use something more suitable for hydro
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    Harvest at 45 days an 7-8 week plant. How does it look?

    Hi guys, So this is my first hydro grow and I had some issues since I was using organic so I had to chop them off a bit earlier. I was growing a strain that was saying 7-8 weeks and I chopped it at 45 days. The thing is I am not sure how much I lost mostly pottency since I wasn't able to detect...