Who are they? Where are they? Do they even exist anymore? Back in the day "ATTITUDE" was the go-to site is this still the option for today's modern grower? So many questions one lil thread! Let's talk were all at home anyways
Bakers flavoring drums asadditive in soilless and hydroponics??? Have you all herd of this old hippy secret? If so what are your experiences as a grower with this addition as a flavor enhancer? I've herd stories of folk using drums to flavor weed for Christmas named "Da Christmas" the flavor was...
Started off running Canna nutes at 3-3.5 ml wit advanced nutes Cally Maggie! Plants loved the 1st feed. Then dropped after the 1st gallon! So I increased the nutes to 5ml and the plants responded with a burst of fixes and growth! The stems that were purple from the first gallon I figured was a...
Everyone is loving there new setup! Read a post where a guy stated "to bad people made you buy a bunch of useless shit" YEAH! COMPLETELY USELESS!!! LOL SHITS LOOKING GOOD TO ME. The T5 is throwing down!!! What do you guys think?
Thanks for the info. And i hear it's dam near rule of thumb with starting small on the nutes. And as for selection Ive smoked a couple strains grown with this nutrient line and it was amazing!
I don't believe it's unnecessary. As I needed the veg light! And the flower light. I chose two because I don't want to switch the light between the two modes. And as for no replys I'd say folks have alive and will address the situation at there given time. I will do research and cross reference...
Ok so we are set up to veg I've taken it upon myself to find out the old info and step to germination. I have achiveded 95% success as 8/9 seeds popped. I have set the seedlings in 1/5 gallon bags of coco on a light schedule of 18/6. 7/8 have popped up. NOW! I will be useing cannas Coco's A and...