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  1. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    I don't use vapes often because they don't work very well on me. I prefer to smoke joints or take oil. I tried using my bongs and pipes yesterday in Hope's of getting relief, but after several attempts, my throat hurt too much to keep trying. (I only started smoking anything ever only 1.5 years...
  2. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    That's what I'm afraid of. I use it medicinally for anxiety and depression. That's why I'm concerned about the cold turkey.
  3. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    I guess it just depends on each individual. I'm trying to lower my dosage first. I don't think I can go cold Turkey.
  4. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    Skipping for Longer than a month doesn't make a difference? Does taking a break for a month make it feel that strong again?
  5. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    No I don't yet.
  6. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    I feel like my tolerance is too high. I don't get the relief that I used to get, and it doesn't last long enough.
  7. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

  8. *Phoenix*Fire*

    T break

    I'm feeling like I need or should take a tolerance break. I also don't feel strong enough. Is it worth it?
  9. *Phoenix*Fire*

    New Here

    Thank you all! I really appreciate how kind you all are, and how helpful! I'm so thrilled I found this site!
  10. *Phoenix*Fire*

    New Here

    What do you need to set up? Not just soil and a seed?
  11. *Phoenix*Fire*

    New Here

    I've already been reading a bunch. The info on growing is really great! I want to grow my own this year, but I have zero clues as to how. Plus, I'm hoping to make some stoner friends
  12. *Phoenix*Fire*

    Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

    I'm a Christian and I struggle sometimes too. But I have depression and anxiety, so Cannabis really helps me. I feel more sober when I smoke than when I'm depressed. I also have my best worship/prayer times when smoking. What I'll say, is Its a natural medicine. Jesus made all the plants on the...
  13. *Phoenix*Fire*

    New Here

    Thank you! I'm excited!
  14. *Phoenix*Fire*

    New Here

    Hello! I'm really excited I found this site. I hope I can make friends and learn more about Cannabis.