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  1. J

    One gallon pot...How much will it yield?

    Actually some of these comments couldn’t be farther from the truth. These ladies have been in these tiny pots since clone. The lemon Jeffery, g25/dosido have been. In these pots going on 16 weeks. I got them from a friend. Everything else has been in these pots going on 10 weeks. You have to...
  2. J

    Leaf Burns with Neem Oil

    1. When I mix neem oil I use it at half what it says. It says to use 1oz/ gallon. I use .5 oz/gallon. 2. Have you ever burned sulfur in your veg room or anytime in veg? The reason I’m asking is because if you burn sulfur, and then spray your plants the combination of water and sulfur can turn...
  3. J

    The flush "myth"

    i have done both. Flushing and not flushing at the end of a cycle. I have been growing going on 2 yrs now. Not an expert by any means but I’ve learned a lot in that 2 yrs of growing. I have fucked off an entire crop by making mistakes. I’d say it’s fair to say that I got my stuff nailed down...