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  1. M

    Is this normal?

    Hope this helps
  2. M

    help is needed! please!!

    I would suggest potting them in their final pots from now as they are stong enough to survive now and if you follow what thedifferencex said you should be sweet
  3. M

    Is she ready for flower?

    Are you getting good air circulation to the stem
  4. M

    Is she ready for flower?

    Ive been watching alot of defol video and i would recommend removing 100% of those new branches that are forming. They wont amount to much in the grand scheme and also each and every on of them will be using up energy and neuts. Removing all of them allows all your plants energy to be used in...
  5. M

    First feed

    Ima be honest im a new grower so im not 100% but ive heard i have followed that at that stage they need even less than half. I got to half strength at week 4. So this is just an opinion not facts
  6. M

    First feed

    I would start with week one and think of it as week 1 since u have introduced the neuts. You plants are very young you will probably will still go through all the weeks listed on the bottle before harvest.
  7. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Ok so i repotted all my girls now into their final pots last night as the two plants i had from seedlings started wilting on most leaves over the last 3 days. I could see that the soil at the bottom of the containers were not ever drying out properly as the holes i put in them were with a knife...
  8. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Clones coming along well too, today is 10 days since cutting and they all now have small roots, i will plant them in the next few days after the roots get a bit larger
  9. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Quick update: pics taken yday 7 days after cutting mothers for clones. Slight neut burn on one plants so i flushed the soil with about 2leters of tap water yesterday. im hoping for an improvement in this week
  10. M


    Keep us posted i had always heard that if the stems are too moist they will not root properly of fast enough. How long has it tsken to get root on you first plant? Also alot of your leaves seem to be suffering i have found that in the dome you dont get that problem.
  11. M


    I know this is late but for anyone else that come across this feed and is in the same position, clones need to be kept in a dome with high humidity and ventilation. 24/7 light is ok but not too powerful a small lamp would do the job. Mist them regularly to keep the humidity up but dont drown...
  12. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Yeah cheers i have since heard this but for me its too late now. Ill keep all my progress posted. Hopefully my yield isnt too pathetic. Having a great time none the less
  13. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    I bought 5 seed but 1 didnt germinate and 2 didnt make it past seedlings so i was left with two i wanted atleast 4 plants so i decided to try my luck with clones. Btw that plants 4 weeks and 3 days old. It had its to removed
  14. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Ok i didnt know about the containers ill sort that out asap although they do have long healthy roots appearing around the bottle. the white stuff on the leaves isnt mildew thats dried up calcium from something o sprayed them with(used too much) but is to be expected according to the packaging...
  15. M

    Auto flower

    Hey u got any pics of your photo jack herers i got some autojacks im running right now. But there isnt much on the net to go by as to what they look like fully grown
  16. M

    Help and support for a newbie please.

    Hey guys just a quick update, 5 days later my clones are looking very healthy and have even grown a little bit of new growth and height. No roots in sight under the rock cubes as yet but im not worried as they still look healthy and i know it can take weeks. Both mother plants are also well and...
  17. M

    Can you clone AutoFlowers?

    Ok thats interesting. I feel like i should maybe gradually increase my light time by half an hour ove the next week until i get to aleast 22/2 now. Do u think gradually increasing the time would have a negative affect on my girls.
  18. M

    Can you clone AutoFlowers?

    No thats incorrect auto flowers will automatically go into flower as soon as the plant is mature enough so you will be fine with 20/4 or 18/6 anything less is just depriving your auto plants of light.also bare in mind that plants are living things and need some time to rest, 24/7 light does work...
  19. M

    Can you clone AutoFlowers?

    Ok thats interesting
  20. M

    Can you clone AutoFlowers?

    Hey im just a new grower but an answer that screams out at me is that you must have put your plants through stress with you defol technique which could have caused a period of growth delay. maybe the process was too rough .But hey what do i know.