Should I add chicken fertilizer into my 800 gallons I used compost tea every other week to be more on getting all NPK instead of chicken which is high in Nitrogen going to be putting out May 1-6
Just transplanted my Clones Into 5gal from 1gal been vegging for 23 days now
Got Clone 3/12 planted 3/13
55 gallon Drum
GH Flora Nova Grow -2 cups
GH Cal Mag 100ml
PH Down - 50ml
P.H 6.0 when feed
Any advice or constructive criticism would be appreciated ! ✊
Soil : FFOF
Nuits using for feeding
GH Flora Nova Grow
GH Calmag
Every Other Week
compost Tea
Going on 22 days from since transplant from clones should I Transplant to 5gallons now ? ! Or wait another week?
trying To Veg My Plants for 60 days then flip and put outdoors for flower