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  1. S


    Your just taking the piss now mo
  2. S


    Still looking at those plants man! Wow
  3. S


    Not what I wanted to hear but thanks for the brutal honesty brother! I defo don't have any rot tho thats for sure I've had them all out, I can't bare to throw them just yet I'm gonna flush em hard and see what happens, its not like I've anything else to do right now!! Thank you for the offer of...
  4. S


    Aw shit thats not what I want to hear man, rip blue dream!! I did a mini transplant but I only had the same pots so took as much as I could off the root ball and filled with fresh soil and pebbles, maybe got 30 percent. Just dont know if I should flush man.. ahhhh lol
  5. S


    Also all my new top growth has gone really thin and is all twisted like a claw and has not really grown in about a week at least, My real question is should I flush and top feed from here on? I need to flip these plants its been wayy too long already
  6. S


    yeah I've read a bit about it mohican and it can be really hard to recover from overwatering.. if that's defo the problem.. forgot to mention I've since added rhizotonic and cannazym to try and help with the soil and root system as I had them from previous grow, do you think a good flush to get...
  7. S


    Also the burnt leaves you can see, there was loads more that were aot lot worse but I cut them off before I got a chance to take photos, the ones left are the "good" burnt ones..
  8. S


    Some photos with led light and camera flash to see better
  9. S


    Hi all, So I've tried to put this off and solve it myself but I have to ask for help, no idea whats went wrong. Some stats before we get started: Growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent 600w dimmable hps Adequate airflow 4 15l pot 48l tank autopot system Bio-bizz all mix soil Bio nova super soil...
  10. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Thanks Fred I was really hoping you would drop in!! Yeah I was thinking the same I just wanted to be super sure before I go and butcher them. I'm gonna jump in tomorrow and get it all off. In terms of flipping the lights I was thinking about doing it in a couple more days. What do you think...
  11. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hi guys sorry to hijack the thread but need a little more help regarding side branching. Looking to flip lights in a few days and want to be sure as to what I'm keeping and what I'm chopping. Some plants have major side branching and others have minimal and I'm unsure just exactly how much...
  12. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Thanks for the input guys, yeah I was just getting carried away im gonna stick at 16, like you guys mentioned im only in a 4x4 under a 600w barn reflector. We've all been there, you light one up at night and have all these amazing ideas.. Looks like I'm just waiting til they look thick and...
  13. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hi all, So I strapped my 4 babys down again today, and at 16 tops there so low im considering taking them to 32 tops. I would definitely get away with taking them to 32 height wise, probably even 64 if I wanted, there literally just a few inches off the rim of the pots. Now I know the more...
  14. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I really hope so brother!! Tomato cages look great i really need to get me some, for now I have a scrog net I will put in for support and spacing colas out, tomato cage defo on the list tho! Its great what you've done with that plant your really getting the most out of her, lovely to see. I...
  15. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Thanks Fred, and kudos on the amazing plants you just shared, those are beauty's!! Can I ask is that one plant in the bottom centre pot/tomato cage? Fine specimens you should be proud! I've done quite a few grows before but I'm new to the whole mainline thing, I used to share an 8x4 with a...
  16. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hi all, loving the thread! Wealth of knowledge to be taken in here. So I've been growing my first 4 mainlines over the past month or so very slowly under a little 50w spotlight while I set the new room up, I have topped to 16 tops and obviously cleaned all lower nodes and leaves along the way...