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  1. L

    Global warming. Should we care?

    global warming/cooling wotevr way u want to look at is all bullshit. we are insignificant to mother nature she is doing what she always does. just a way to get carbon tax off countrys thats global warming.
  2. L


    pmsl ye me uncle wullie lol thanx lads
  3. L

    Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

    looks like a pretext for a war with iran and amerca steps in. my opinion. i dnt agree with killing i`m a mellow stoner. but i agree with standing up to the opressor. ne1 who agrees with isreals onslaught is munipulated by lamestream media.
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    Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

    makes me wonder why isreal would become like the nazis or would i be wrong in saying it looks as if the people behind the nazis is the same people behind isreal. open minded thought:?:
  5. L

    post what your smoking on tonight

    nice thc content inbudwetrust
  6. L

    Global warming. Should we care?

    global cooling more like. over here in uk the south of england. parts of the sea at the shore have froze. must be getting warmer then lol
  7. L

    What do you perfer to smoke out of?

    philli sweet tip blunts and bongs! mmm
  8. L

    Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

    theres a word isreal knows n thats "HOLOCAUST". its a disgrace! isreal is a terrorist state.jst because its a country with am army doesn1t mean that they r not terrorists. ask the question y is hamas firing rockets in the 1st place. Its not as if they woke up 1 morning and decided to do so...
  9. L


    hi ppl i`m from scotland. nice site :leaf: