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  1. P

    Aquarium Planted Tank LED For Growing w33d :D

    Hello guys! i have an LED light from my aquarium planted tank do you guys think its possible to use it to grow weed ? is it possible to grow autoflower ? Here is the spec for my LED it says 5800lm 39w around 8000k color temp here is the link the product : Chihiros A601 Thanks guys...
  2. P

    Single Seed bank anyone ?

    Hello everyone! im looking for any single seed seller, do you guys have any recommendation? thanks a lot! #StayBlazeBeSafe
  3. P

    Best stealth shipping that actually gets through to countries where weed is still illegal

    well this one is interesting haha i live in Ind0 and before i usually bought from amsterdam kinda look for faster shipping at the moment haha
  4. P

    waktu itu whitewidow sama AK48 wkwkwk, macem2 om pernah kartu ucapan, dompet, sama cd pernah...

    waktu itu whitewidow sama AK48 wkwkwk, macem2 om pernah kartu ucapan, dompet, sama cd pernah coba juga yg outdoor tp ga tumbuh di indo wkwkwk u lg jalan strain apa? ada yg indoor ?
  5. P

    Best stealth shipping that actually gets through to countries where weed is still illegal

    Sorry braaaah! Let me light up ur sppplifff! Stay saafe
  6. P

    Wkwkw siaaap tinggal di bali w om, kelamaan libur corona mati gaya ni wkwk Dulu sempet test...

    Wkwkw siaaap tinggal di bali w om, kelamaan libur corona mati gaya ni wkwk Dulu sempet test belanja di nirvanashop salah satu the best menurut w.. sempet paket w ga sampe2, eh mereka kirim lg.. ga lama terimanya dobel wkwk
  7. P

    Halo om! salam damaiiii wlwlwlw

    Halo om! salam damaiiii wlwlwlw
  8. P

    Best stealth shipping that actually gets through to countries where weed is still illegal

    Hola om! mau tanya murahanmana herbies/ GYO ? atau masi ada sisa untuk di beli om ? tp indoor ya hehehe