Hello there my clones have some sort of issue I can't figure out my pH is 6.8 from what my reader says. I am using advanced nutrients micro and bloom only bc I was told the grow was more for flowering. Also I have other clones all on the same schedule tht look great just different strain...
Yes there all clones using pH perfect advanced nutrients and I watered them each today a quarter gallon of water per plant I don't want to over or under water and I think I read somewhere tht should be the right amount but I feel they dry fast and I should give more water. When I do water the...
Hello everyone so today the wind took out a stem and I used duct tape to try and tape.it up since I did the leaves are droopy as u can see in the first picture is this stem done should I wait longer. I also put pictures of the other clones I have if anyone has any input on something I'm doing...
Well I'm getting my advanced nutrients hydro store is closed so there mailing I honesty watered them with miracle grow quick start bc thts all I had for now. I have been bending and trying to get the bottom more leaves.more sun mayb tht is why?
Well let's see i first got them and put them outside but with the weather and all I got an led light and have a warm air blowing on them for air flow waiting for my nutrients in mail bc everything is closed I got advanced nutrients coming um my led light is about 18 inches from plant mayb thts...
Hello I recently transfered my clones to these 2 gallon pots used good local soil and fertizer and oh is at 6.8 was wondering what's going on with these guys r they struggling bc the transfer any ideas would be great