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  1. S

    Cloudy Gel-Like Substance on Clones

    Thanks for the link! Very helpful article. I’m very good at keeping things sterile so unsure how this even started. I’ve been using peroxide but was hesitant to use bleach. I’ll start a regimen of that now. The clones are hanging in there but still no roots. Feel like I’m just waiting for the...
  2. S

    Cloudy Gel-Like Substance on Clones

    No it just peels right off the stem. No skin. It’s definitely algae/bacteria of some sort. Not the beginning of roots.
  3. S

    Cloudy Gel-Like Substance on Clones

    When you say warm what temps are you talking about? I was trying to stay under 75 to prevent any algae/bacteria but that clearly didn’t work.
  4. S

    Cloudy Gel-Like Substance on Clones

    We have an ez-clone 128 low pro white. Keeping pH between 5.8-6.2. Temp is between 70-75 F. Kept everything sterile, dipped in clonex gel. Using RO water. This is a pic on day 5. We have no roots but have this gel-like substance forming. Doesn't just wipe off. You can actually peel it off in...