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  1. L

    Biotabs help

    Yes. Autoflowers. Peppers. Tomatoes.
  2. L

    Autoflower light cycle

    DLI is daily light integral and is the amount of light a plant can handle in 24h in its current stage. PPFD is the light intensity a plant can handle in its current stage. PPFD Seedlings: 150 - 300 umols PPFD Vegetative: 300 - 600 umols PPFD Flowering: 600+ mols So depeding how many umols you...
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    Auto flower pot size for coco

    For Autoflowers I order directly from Mephisto Genetics, Fastbuds and Royal Queen Seeds. Everything else from Seedsman.
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    Auto flower pot size for coco

    I grow in 5 gal pots but just because i use amendet soil and this way I usually don't have to feed through the whole cycle except for some bat guano tea in flower.
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    Auto flower pot size for coco

    I would go with 3 gallon pots in that case. More root mass means more plant matter.
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    Biotabs help

    I have grown with biotabs and would start just in a light mix with added worm castings and the startex. add the biotabs in week three from sprout to prevent burning your young plants. I only went with half of the recommended amount and my plants grew just fine. If they show signs of...
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    Auto flower pot size for coco

    2-3 gallon depending on estimated plant size.
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    Starting in 5 gal watering help

    That's pretty much like I do as well. Initially soak your entire pot when you start to germinate your seeds. I germinate in wet paper towel. Plant the seed and water for the first time when the pot feels light again. Depending on your temps and pot size this could take up to 14 days. After that...
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    Autoflower light cycle

    With Autoflowers you typically run the same light schedule through the whole cycle. I usually go with 18/6 to let the plant feed the microbes in the dark phase but with dwc you could do 20/4 or even 24/0. Just make sure you don't exceed the DLI. Too much light will stress your plant, decrease...
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    Starting autos in final pot

    It all depends on how long your plants will stay in veg. I have grown a few autoflowers over the years and some strains finished in 65 days some in 90+ days. A strain that will start to flower in week 3-4 should be started in the final pot if you ask me. Other strains that start to flower in...
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    HLG 135w Distance question

    Here are my numbers. Seedlings 32" - 40". Vegetative 24" - 28". Flower 16" - 18". Edit: I usually run a 18/6 schedule in veg and start at 40" from the top of the soil. Let them grow for about two weeks and then lower the light to 28. Let them grow to 24" and keep the 24" until they start to...
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    Quantum Boards / Too much Yapping no proof

    Yep. The internet is full of people frying their seedlings with quantum boards. It's ridiculous.
  13. L

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks mate. Not taken any pictures yet but those will follow. I might have seen you over here in some hardware store but can't remember for sure. Good to know having such a humble power cleaner around. Thanks for your kind words Cillit Bang, appreciated!
  14. L

    Hello everyone!

    Hey folks, checking in from Europe. Started growing indoors two years ago but only autoflowers so far. Going to do my first photoperiods as we speak and hope I can learn a thing or two from you guys. My setup is 28"x28"x64" with a 125W QB288 V2 4K. So pretty much a micro grow for 1-2 plants...