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  1. J

    Another is it ready post.....

    Last month I harvested 4 NL plants over a 12 day span, I waited 4 days in between harvesting plants. They were all clones taken from the same mother. The first plant was cut at day 56 and the last @ 68. After a month in separate jars, the day 68 bud is definitely the most pungent smelling and...
  2. J

    Problem with curing

    If you watered them in the days before you chopped then that will have lengthened the drying period. If you left the fan leaves on while drying that will also lengthen it. I've dried 10 days and the buds required some burping as usual when put in jars, but 14 days is quite long (imo). If you...
  3. J

    a little nute burn, a little heat stress, concern? pics

    Supposedly molasses is used as food for the bacteria within the soil which has a symbiotic relationship with the roots. The more active the bacterium, the more active the roots! As far as I'm aware, the plant does not have a use for the sugars (molasses), and could attract other pests if you're...
  4. J

    6 weeks in! Good or bad?

    Looking great so far! I would agree with burrr perhaps a fresh water feed or two without nutrients, or just cut back a little. Even though the plant is probably enjoying the nutes a fresh water flush will do them good
  5. J

    Blueberry LST Closet Grow

    Excellent looking buds man, and you cured for 1+ month? Awesome!! Assuming you smoked some during the process, was there a distinct difference in flavour/potency between the 1 week cure & 1 month cure? I've always wanted a first hand answer :) Greenjambo that must have been a bummer, but the...