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  1. vuts

    One Pink Lemonade - no-till cycle 7 in 4 foot diameter pot, 5x5 tent

    i LOVE that citrus smell, has a really skunky tang to it. Maybe i'm just nostalgic but it smells similar to stuff i used to get in the UK years ago. I grew some tweed bakerstreet before this so i know what you mean lol roughly 3 weeks flower, really surprised with the trich and smell production...
  2. vuts

    One Pink Lemonade - no-till cycle 7 in 4 foot diameter pot, 5x5 tent

    currently growing the same strain and I have to say, the smell these plants give off is out of this world. looking really nice
  3. vuts

    24 days into flower looking for opinions

    did you add steroids to your feed? looks nice
  4. vuts

    How these looking folks

    strain? looks real nice!
  5. vuts

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    did you make sure your soil was light, moist and fluffy when you transplanted? looks pretty clumpy and a lot of bark could be causing some rooting problems
  6. vuts

    My Baker Street plant

    Can we get a pic of your plant OP? This is my bakerstreet today, smells really strong and it’s sticky af, almost 4 weeks flower. It’s got some deformed fan leaves and when I switched to 12/12 it went from fat huge fan leaves to skinny sativa leaves (idk if that’s normal or just weird genetics)...
  7. vuts

    First Lst/Scrog

    Thought I’d update. Scrog net got removed as I forgot to water them over a weekend awhile back, I came home to them looking dead so I tore down my net and gave them a really good water lol Here’s what I came home too and why I panicked! and here’s how she looks today, trich production and...
  8. vuts

    Noob grower for medicinal and to get high as a mofo

    those clouds are looking scary for the plant lol
  9. vuts

    First Lst/Scrog

    thanks a lot mate, those are some really simple ideas I never even thought of lol given me a lot more confidence going into what looks like is gonna be a lanky sativa strain. Is my scrog height good? Am I ever gonna need to adjust it? cheers
  10. vuts

    First Lst/Scrog

    How can I achieve this best? I guess just LST anything growing too high down again? I’m only gonna be able to tuck them around for so long until things get big lol
  11. vuts

    First Lst/Scrog

    My scrog material is twine and I’m currently 1 week into flower canopy isn’t 100% flat and even but it mostly is. Does it need to be more flat and even before she gets too big? hows things looking? Appreciate any advice, cheersbongsmilie
  12. vuts

    Why is mybaby getting weird

    Pissing on the plant and looks like you’re touching it with paint on your fingers? id try to avoid doing both of these lol
  13. vuts

    Pandemic 2020
  14. vuts

    Clones overwatered?

    appreciate it mate and welcome to the forums! bongsmilie
  15. vuts

    Clones overwatered?

    The Cali orange! really happy with how she came out, could have been trimmed a lot more but I (kind of) got more brave trimming up on the 3rd power plant chop. this power plant got chopped early, it got transplanted half way through flower and I must have got some soil inside the buds as they...
  16. vuts

    Pandemic 2020

    These news articles anyone can create are usually designed to scare you so you click on them and generate revenue:p Covid is scary and there’s a lot of ifs and maybes but I wouldn’t spend too much time reading news articles personally, it effects my mental health reading the negative latest ifs...
  17. vuts

    New clones stems turning purple

    Granddaddy purple? I think purple stems are normal bro, so far so good lol
  18. vuts

    Clones overwatered?

    Updates from 12/12 rooted clones!
  19. vuts

    Mini seedling growing with plant

    Anyone seen anything like this before? shes dealt with a lot of stress and the strain I’m growing is known for weird/mutation genetics