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  1. dshimmy

    Small holes in few leafs around garden

    Hi guys, currently growing 6 Mendo Purp and 1 Category 7 in my 4x8 tent, under two 1500 w LEDS. They are loving life it seems and look healthy, other than a few small goes on a few leaves. Not all of my plants have it. But few do. Wondering what this is. I’ve treated my plants multiple times to...
  2. dshimmy

    Opinions on health of plants

    Great tip my friend. Also don’t smoke and not name your strains correctly. Glad they are looking good
  3. dshimmy

    Opinions on health of plants

    Hi everyone, I’m currently in my first grow. I am growing 5 Mendo Purp strains and 2 Critical #7 in M3 Michigan made organic soil. If I’m being completely honest with you guys, my high ass didn’t label the pots correctly so I’m not entirely sure what pot is what. I know that the two larger...
  4. dshimmy

    Good organic soil mix?

    I'm using the same soil, it's great stuff. I don't plan on using many nutrients until flowers.
  5. dshimmy

    Nutrient Burn

    Hey CannaCountry, I appreciate the response! She seems okay right now, thankfully. When I read your response my heart sank a bit. But she seems okay today, I have some nice airflow going through the tent and the temps are at 78 degrees, 58-60 RH. Your right about mistakes though, they suck but...
  6. dshimmy

    Nutrient Burn

    Hi everyone, one of my plants had yellow tips on two lower leaves, and looked droopy. This is because I overwatered and didn't PH after adding nutrients. I decided to flush her with water PH'd down to 6.1, and clipped off the yellowing tips. I tested the runoff and it matched the original PH...
  7. dshimmy

    Grow Tent Temp Question

    Literally how mine feels! Like I'm on a special island. They seem happy
  8. dshimmy

    Grow Tent Temp Question

    Yes I'm running 3 1500W LEDS in a 4x8x6.6 tent. Two clips fans, 1 osaliating fan, and two inline fans, one pushing out and the other in. Right now my temp is at 91 and RH at 58% with the C02 bag. I have my inline fan that's pushing air out on low. The other one is completely off.
  9. dshimmy

    First Time Grower

    One important thing to note is to not use nutrients right away. Of course, some situations are different but from what I've learned is that in the early stages it's very easy to burn seedlings, especially autos. I would try to just use PH'd water for now until you see some steady growth. Keep...
  10. dshimmy

    Grow Tent Temp Question

    Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well! My grow tent's temp have risen a bit the past week due to the temps rising outside. I am growing in my garage and so far have had a pretty consistent temp and RH. Lately, my temps have been averaging around 83.5-85.2 degrees. My plants don't seem to...