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  1. Iclouds


    So this is after a 9 wk flower. it was the 1st one I just threw in flower to see how it flowers since I had never grew it before. It was most cloudy a few were starting to amber. Im thinking the next one will be 10 weeks. I had 3 seeds of it, so planned on doing 8,9,10 weeks too see the...
  2. Iclouds


    Yea I usually go off of the trichs haven’t looked at them yet on it tho
  3. Iclouds


    Lol idk I ordered 3 fem seeds from pacific seeds they say 8week flower. the one on the left I put in flower a little early just to see how it flowers and has “7days” left. the tall one in the middle just went into flower a couple days ago the other has about 5 or 6 weeks too go.
  4. Iclouds


    All same seed order all same treatment except the one on the right top snapped right before going into flower. first time growing this strain. none of the leaves have yellowed during flower
  5. Iclouds


    All same seed order all same treatment except the one on the right top snapped right before going into flower. first time growing this strain. none of the leaves have yellowed during flower
  6. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    3 kings 25 days to go
  7. Iclouds

    Reveg going well so far

    Little update Started to tie it down some Going well Cut 1st clone
  8. Iclouds

    Reveg going well so far

    Little up Started to tie it down Going well Cut 1st clone
  9. Iclouds

    Reveg going well so far

    Hello all So I had cut clones of a strain And theydidn’t make it when I moved ‍♂️ Oh well lol it happens right. I never had grown this strain before so I had no idea what it would turn into. It was 3kings Smells amazing tastes the same so I couldn’t get this particular pheno to clone so i...
  10. Iclouds


    Thanks guys it’s gone down it was just an extra I did have a few random seeds tho but they are wayyyyy under developed on another plant I had just harvested that was in the room with it I had thought it from when i purposely flowered another Branch I thought maybe I spilled somehow Lol oh...
  11. Iclouds


    Mars tsw 2000 Sun systems hps
  12. Iclouds


    Two 2000 watt led Two 300 watt hps 1 of the blurples lol I think it’s a 100 or so watts
  13. Iclouds


    9 weeks into flower Noooo idea what strain hardly any trichs Feels kinda idk oily instead of sticky
  14. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    Maybe 60 and that’s stretching it lol thanks tho This one vegged for about 90 days give or take
  15. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    The next one looks better though Two weeks left of flower
  16. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    Well not too bad Was put into flower a month early and was extremely stressed the whole time it grew still ended up with over 6ounces slightly
  17. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    wish I could Don’t think they took though ‍♂️
  18. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    Update pics
  19. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    Hopefully it takes I’m pretty sure the pollen wasn’t good I didn’t store it correctly I found out in 1 of the jars anyway
  20. Iclouds

    Looking good let’s see how they flower

    Pollinated this sour cream branch with some sour diesel