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  1. S

    First post... and I really could use some help

    I think so... they are being fed for three days now and they are getting worse. I tried feeding one of them from the top, but with no success. They are slowly dying before my eyes... and it's very frustrating, because when I detected the problem they looked like they still could be saved. What...
  2. S

    First post... and I really could use some help

    Thanks for your answer, Hobbes. The temperatures are getting higher these days and I have about 30º with lights on and 20º when off. The plants are not getting better, and I’m afraid they are getting worse. Here are some more pics without led lights.
  3. S

    First post... and I really could use some help

    This is my first post here, and I wish it would be for other reasons, but I really need help with this. Sorry for the pics with led lights, but they are not relevant and I dont have time right now to make new ones, my plants are dying as I write. It is my first attempt with hydroponics, and I'm...