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  1. T

    More experienced persons opinions?

    Nice to know I posted in another site about my autoflower and someone mentioned my ph was too High at 6.5 ish. That plant seems to be doing fine. I wasn’t sure if it was the stain or not. I will bump up the ph at 6.5. My tap water is 150ish ppm before nutes. I’m using fox farm grow big for veg...
  2. T

    More experienced persons opinions?

    I water when the pot is dry and light I always stick a moisture meter to the bottom just to check and make sure it’s dry on bottom. This watering thing hard to get the hand of. I usually feed until I get enough runoff to check ph. 3 gal fabric pots their in with pot elevators.
  3. T

    More experienced persons opinions?

    What would you do in this situation. Feel plain ph water to the dark ones
  4. T

    More experienced persons opinions?

    Has anyone seen this before. The fan leaves are massive, it’s short, 2 are greener than the other one. They are all 35 days from sprout. All fed the same nutes at 6.2 ph in 6.1 runoff. Nute Mix is 400 Ppm. 4x4x72 tent 6” exhaust fan and carbon filter, 6” intake fan for fresh air with just enough...
  5. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Just thought I’d give an update. I’m really thinking it’s windburn from my fan I didn’t realize it moved a bit and was blowing directly on that plant. I’ve done some reading and the pictures really match up what do you think? is it a possibility.
  6. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Good to know it’s usually bone dry if I stick my finger in it but that’s also not near the middle or bottom. And yes soil I added a little extra perlite, this is my second grow my first indoors.
  7. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Really I keep telling myself I let them dry out way too much maybe not. Any feedback helps
  8. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Thanks for your input.
  9. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    I water only when the soil dries out and my pots are light. Give about 500-1000ml of water each plant prob 3-5 days apart feedings. I have a moisture meter I usually poke down to see what soil at middle and bottom is
  10. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Here is the pictures I cut the worst 2 leaves off last night. She’s sleeping in the pictures when the lights come on it perks up very nicely. Under 1 300w and 1 1200w led light. Feeding Fox farm grow big and using root farm base nutrients. I was feeding half the recommendation on the nutrient...
  11. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    Sorry this is my first post didn’t see that post my bad will redo my pictures.
  12. T

    Deficiency or burn? Help please!

    This is a 30 day old og kush auto. Found brown spots on a couple leaves. Indoor, soil, fox farm grow big, big bloom for veg tiger bloom for flower. Ph is always around 6.5 when I mix. Checked runoff the other day 6.3. This is new to me. Is it nute burn, light too close 18” , I thought potassium...
  13. T

    New grower help!!

    This is a 30 day old og kush auto. Found brown spots on a couple leaves. Indoor, soil, fox farm grow big, big bloom for veg tiger bloom for flower. Ph is always around 6.5 when I mix. Checked runoff the other day 6.3. This is new to me. Is it nute burn, light too close 18” , I thought potassium...