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  1. R

    How to feed for bigger buds

    Autos don’t need to be under 12/12, however, during flower as you mentioned, if you do provide 12/12, you should see more consistent bud growth when combined with incrementally increasing (early flower) then decreasing (until 2 weeks before harvest) quantities of nutes. In other words, giving...
  2. R

    Burnt Leaves from Homemade Insecticide

    Because of the sheer quantity of mites, the infestation was too advanced to get rid of completely, which is tragic because I don’t have access to organic insecticides. All the methods I tried worked to varying degrees at different points of the plants’ lives, but not 100% effective at all. The...
  3. R

    Burnt Leaves from Homemade Insecticide

    My first grow was a nightmare with all sorts of bugs infesting it. Spider mites. Aphids. Gnats. Random insects that just wanna get high. You name it. I sprayed dish-soap solutions, neem oil solutions, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, overly excessive trimming due to severe mite infestations. It was a...
  4. R

    How to feed for bigger buds

    I would say for plants in general, the soil medium volume will generally set a limit to how much you can expect from your plant to produce (whether flower, fruits, etc). I think with the soil volumes in your photos you could train your plants to grow bigger and have a wider canopy, and with the...
  5. R

    How to feed for bigger buds

    I’m new here so I don’t have much advice to give, but when my buds were in their prime, I added some bloom nutes in small quantities over time, cutting off the nutes a couple of weeks before harvest. and that did the trick. It wasn’t any specific type, just a generic 20-20-20+TE that promotes...
  6. R

    Come on Dudes ,Show your age.The first Cannabis you Smoked

    I was 16, first time was on some quality blond Lebanese hash. I had only been smoking cigarettes for a few months, so the smoke was harsh at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I was with a group of friends and we were having a crazy laugh about who remembers what. What I do remember...
  7. R

    A Strange Lady in the Garden

    I guess you’re right. Whatever the case may be, I’ll be sure to update this thread with some more photos in the coming weeks.
  8. R

    A Strange Lady in the Garden

    Hey guys, and thanks for helping to preserve the true heritage of the experienced grower! ;) I’m not ashamed to admit this is my second time growing, and I’m looking for the input of fine growers like yourselves. Of the peculiarities this plant exhibits, anything you could say about it other...
  9. R

    A Strange Lady in the Garden

    Indeed it does! It most certainly came from seed though. The bag of seeds I have contains seeds of different shades, some ranging from a dark brown, shiny surface to an almost grey-beige matte color, with little to no patterns on the seeds themselves and which are not feminized. At the...
  10. R

    A Strange Lady in the Garden

    Hello All, This is my first post here on rollitup, and I have to say this place is great. I’m really glad I could find such a community of helpful and friendly stoners and growers :) I came across a strange lady (I hope! no sex yet) in the garden. She must be a Ruderalis-Indica crossbreed, or...