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  1. J

    Plant growth stunted

    final update, there were two issues if that can help anyone: 1) Nitrogen and Mag deficiency 2) Light distance, they were two far away. After lowering them the plants started to go faster, but i lost 2 - 2,5 weeks with that. Anyway hereby is the final result, a lot of small buds (damn light)...
  2. J

    first grow, pics inside

    yeah just starting to sound the alarm jeje
  3. J

    Plant growth stunted

    hmm i think you can have a point with the leaves yellowish
  4. J

    Plant growth stunted

    can it be calcium deficiency and nitrogen excess (as nute burn)?
  5. J

    Plant growth stunted

    no, i try to avoid that especially in flower. I also thought about pests but can't find any living sign of it
  6. J

    first grow, pics inside

    heh thanks sir, my second though is having a bit more trouble :(
  7. J

    first grow, pics inside

    Thanks Destroyer, btw my fault was so busy to harvest and cure that didn't take any pictures. Anyway from 2 plants i got 220 gr of dry weight. Besides that around extra 30 gr were of low quality super small grow that i will surely eliminate before hand for the future grows. So 250 gr in the...
  8. J

    Plant growth stunted

    Hey guys, this is my second grow and this time i got some issues on here. So i have 4 plants of Sweet Skittlez same strain same batch. But they are all 4 different which i suppose is normal. I made a mistake, and didn't reduce the N when they entered in flower, so i suppose they got some nute...
  9. J

    update and some bugs

    hmmm interesting!! do you think i could still cut just this cola and use it? or leave as it is until i harvest everything?
  10. J

    update and some bugs

    Hey guys hope you are doin aall great i was checking the plants and i found some bugs. I didn't find them on the leaves just on the outside of the pot. Anyone knows what beast is it or maybe its just some local fauna? besides that i saw one bud is not doing well anyone knows what's happened...
  11. J

    how much to harvest?

    yeah mate, it was a heavy tea that intoxicated the plants... i guess it was a ppm issue as im doing 100% organic grow i dont ph or ppm usually, but have to research a bit the tea strength. Anyways since im not giving it the tea anymore in order to avoid risks i hope crossing fingers it should be...
  12. J

    how much to harvest?

    the burn is fixed i guess its 3 weeks old already, so the situation is stable since then or you see anything else that shows that the burn is still ongoing?
  13. J

    how much to harvest?

    Many thanks Cali! btw guys do you think that burn will alter the taste?
  14. J

    how much to harvest?

    ahh guys :D thanks to all of you!! i really hope they will be no pop corn. I will keep them surely 3 more weeks from now and there will see if another week is needed. I will post the results :D
  15. J

    how much to harvest?

    ahah nono im a patient learner.. So thanks for the opinion! Actually yes it had some small burn recently. Okk i will let it stay a couple of weeks more than recomended i also think it still has some potential to develop :D
  16. J

    how much to harvest?

    hey guys any advice on how much left to harvest the babies? as by manual one week more. Many thanks and peace!!
  17. J

    Different levels of humidity after using different mixes of nutes

    Hey guys, i have a curiosity, i noticed that sometimes after some lighter mix of nutes the humidity in the tent is higher then usual, around 63 - 68% instead with others can be as low as 44 - 46% . I suspect this depends on the activity of the plant itself, so wanted to ask if anyone knows...
  18. J

    first grow, pics inside

    Thanks mate!! will keep on, and will post the final result :D not so many time left i guess 3 - 4 weeks as max (as i understand)
  19. J

    first grow, pics inside

    yeah i will be happy to post the harvest pics when ready :D
  20. J

    first grow, pics inside

    btw i will post here the recipe of the tea i do. Maybe someone can find it useful and maybe any advice. 4 litres of water 2 per plant. 4ML seaweed extract 2 ML URB 12 ML biobizz bloom (organic fertilizer) 4 ML Calmag 0,3 ML Silica all this with aerator and adding a cup of worm castings brewing...