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  1. plentyofstyles

    Anyone know how the laws work in Canada?

    Hi i was wondering if anyone knows what is used for conviction, the number of plants or the total yield that they catch you with?
  2. plentyofstyles

    Canadian suffering from depression and anxiety needing to be legal

    I suffer from depression and anxiety both of which severely hinder my activity level. What has been working is small doses of good weed. I was wondering if these are reasons enough to issue a medical permit for marijuana in Canada. If anyone here from Canada could share their experiences it...
  3. plentyofstyles

    Attention botanical wizards!! I believe a goodthread is needed - lolipop technique

    Hi I have scoured almost all of the posts on this site and i dont see anything on correct procedure and timing for pruning if one desires a lolipop shaped plant... any info would be a great help. thx