I actually ended up buying a kit got impatient lol should be here soon supposedly only need thevspore syringe to get started also ordered a few different syringes should be here soon..might have some questions once I get started..does this kit look alright??
There are other psychoactive substances in mushrooms so yeah they do give u different trip fyi beocystin psylicybin and psylicyn all in some but not others only one in all is psylicybin so yeah can give very different trIp
Yeah I just figured it would be easier for new members to start off with that info I couldnt find to much on cloning here..and if I had known that early on id have many clones by now..
Not going for the best possible way??just a cheap easy solution for cloning?? This is my first attempt at cloning in an easy to make diy humidity dome.. Materials needed 2 similar size plastic tubs tin foil water and ur cuttings.. Fill...
I use fox farm microbe brew...since starting to use it I have notice much faster thicker root growth as well as the plant itself growing much faster..and basically no stress when transplanted they dont stop growing even for a day...jist my current experience and I'm using happy frog so imo out...
I figured lol I knew it wasnt done just curious if its normal or something I did or can do in future to speed up process?? Also had em under my hps for all of veg stage due to starting off.. they had a rough start but got most my setup complete now so maybe its just because they weren't the...
Not going by pistils it has 0 amber trichs except a few on leaves not nug..also I went through a dispensary it was a clone not sure where they got it tho