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  1. Z


    If growing in a 6 gallon pot id suggest that you should water the soil fully to begin with then leave to drain and then plant. This should then give the plant enough water to grow for a few weeks before requiring another water or until the first 1-2" of soil is dry. As you have said the pot is a...
  2. Z

    anybody know whats going on with my leaves also id. bug?

    Hi Pointer, From viewing the photos, and from my experience, the small white dots on the leaves are 100% spider mites, they're are v tricky to remove, and can be v annoying for growers, as they are extremely small (tiny silk like bugs) and suck the sap from the leaves which will then lead to...
  3. Z

    Plant tie cut into stem during LST

    Hi DDeck96, by the sounds of what you're describing, a small incision made by ties will gradually start to fatten up over a few weeks, just make sure water level are adequate, so the plant has enough to repair itself, and before you now it you wont even notice the small incision. It will slow...
  4. Z

    Plant tie cut into stem during LST

    Hi, Ive tried posting on other forum pages, awaiting responses. Have a 3-4ft tall plant that had a small snap on one of the topped main branches a few months ago, and it looked to be recovering v well. Wound healed up and there was little effect on the plant itself, but recently around 2-3...
  5. Z

    Topped Plant - One of main stems has drooped during flowering..

    If anyone could give any tips on whats casing the sudden drooping, would be much appreciated, am getting kinda worried that it wont be able to recover. HELP!!!
  6. Z

    Topped Plant - One of main stems has drooped during flowering..

    Hi Ive recently starting having a go at growing, and have had them around 8-9 months, (4-5 months indoors and moved outside start of spring around 3 -4 months ago) everything was going really well, up until one of the main branches was caught and slightly snapped of the main stem, it had been...