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  1. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    I haven't broken any laws....... yet
  2. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    Yup, sadly. it used to cost $1300 - $2200 pre-covid19
  3. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    By artichokes do you mean lettuce?
  4. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    Thanks for the tips. I am aware of the golden growing advice and plan on going by it. "Don't tell. Don't Sell. Don't Smell"
  5. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    I feel if it ever comes to technicalities, this might prove useful in court; "Your honor, as you can see, my defendant is obviously an avid tomato smoker, i mean grower!" and boy am I avid about tomatoes. Also, a little bit of humor never hurt anyone ;p
  6. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    Yeah figured that out after posting this. I feel stupid now. I'm using VPN and among other things. Thanks tho!
  7. S

    Growing Tomatoes in the Desert

    Figured it wasn't the best idea.