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    What is this??

    Carpenter guys thanks
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    What is this??

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    What is this??

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    What are these brown spots tht are popping up??

    Already dun this is my first bud rot experience so I should jus keep a eye out for more browning spots like tht??
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    What are these brown spots tht are popping up??

    Should I harvest the plant now?? There's only a few spots and the plant still seems super healthy? Or jus cut the whole node off or jus the brown spot?
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    Plz help!

    O I had fucked em up definitely I was pruning them like terribly and honestly I'm not completely sure they have 2 weeks left I'm at about 10-15% amber tricomes the others look nice and solid but this 1 and 1 other one jus look weird I was more curious if buds go thru like a blow up how when they...
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    Plz help!

    Ok cool thank u idk they jus looked stragley
  8. 10footer

    Plz help!

    Ok so this guy got ripped off while I was moving plants around but she's growing in very thin and straggly by tricomes I'm guessing there still about 2 weeks to harvest so have they jus not fattened up yet or what temp doesn't go above 88 and humidity I try to keep around 50-60%
  9. 10footer

    Can i move from outside to inside?

    It was actually a total accident me and my wife were Rollin a joint one day n we found a seed in it so she threw it on the ground as a joke and sure as shit about a month in a half later I'm cutting the grass and saw it so I was like shit I NEVER thought it would take off like this but lol...
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    Can i move from outside to inside?

    Thank u man yes it is right in the ground and that was exactly what I was thinking I'm glad I decided to keep her rooted I'm putting up sum privacy lattice and gonna grow sum ivy on tht so keep the looky loos away
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    Can i move from outside to inside?

    Yea I do know this was jus curious if it would completely kill it I've never gone from outside to inside u no
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    Can i move from outside to inside?

    Do u think it's gonna kill the yeild?
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    Can i move from outside to inside?

    Ok so I started this beauty in early April anyway it's standing about 40" tall with no signs of slowing down I don't wanna get busted by nosey neighbors so my question is can I move her into my tent without ruining her or is she worth the fine??
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    Is a 2k watt LED enough for a decent yeild?

    So I'm sopposed to be looking at the actual output right??
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    Is a 2k watt LED enough for a decent yeild?

    I was thinking about the 2000 watt spider farmer one is anybody familiar?
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    Is a 2k watt LED enough for a decent yeild?

    I'm jus curious if u guys think a 2000 watt LED light would b comparable to a 1000 wat HID light