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  1. Crazy cat daddy

    3 finger leaves and claw, stunted flowering. Might be half auto or hermie father

    BTW it sounds crazy but their father might be both hermie and photoperiod. It is a potent strain and I have more seeds for the next year. Didn't know it was a cross, last year had no problem under 16+8 flowering. I'm planning to switch to 12+12. Any advice?
  2. Crazy cat daddy

    3 finger leaves and claw, stunted flowering. Might be half auto or hermie father

    Upper leaves of 2 of my plants are growing 3 finger leaves with claws and they look very unhealthy. These 2 plants are the tallest ones, during flowering stretch their upper leaves grew taller than the hood, so they couldn't get light. Supercrop didn't stop them, they got 6.6 feet so I go...
  3. Crazy cat daddy

    Flowering stretch and no space for hood to go up

    8 days ago I supercropped them, they recovered easily and kept on stretching. Now they are very close to ceiling and hood, again. They don't have time for a second supercropping so I decided to turn my growspace into vertical grow. Vertical grow always has been my dream. I will share the photos...
  4. Crazy cat daddy

    Diagnose my claws

    Yeap it's called runoff, I was looking for this word. I use %30 coco coir, %10 perlit, and the rest is commercial soil. I usually get %20 runoff and didn't know I don't have to do this.
  5. Crazy cat daddy

    Diagnose my claws

    Sorry I didn't mean literally flushing, I mean watering until it drains out a little. Still don't?
  6. Crazy cat daddy

    Diagnose my claws

    No I don't have. I only have PH papers but haven't used them for the last 3 years, I never experienced PH issues since then. It is consistently something like 6.5
  7. Crazy cat daddy

    Diagnose my claws

    So how about flashing as an emergency? Will it help or cause overwatering? I had nitrogen toxicity before and the leaves never recover. So maybe flashing solves the problem before it gets too late, right?
  8. Crazy cat daddy

    Diagnose my claws

    2 days ago I supercropped 5 of my 7 plants, yesterday they were good but today some of them (not all) show some symptoms of claws. Non-cropped 2 plants also have claws, so I think supercropping is not the real reason of claws. Claws looks like nitrogen toxicity but I'm always careful about the...
  9. Crazy cat daddy

    Flowering stretch and no space for hood to go up

    Thank you @racerboy71 and @xtsho. My main concern is supercropping main stem would make them lean towards one side, I think I will have to tie them to ceiling to prevent them fall over. 400 watt MH feels very week, they crave for light, I can feel it. But 400 watt HPS made them very happy, do...
  10. Crazy cat daddy

    Flowering stretch and no space for hood to go up

    Thank you, I think I will give supercropping a chance. Stems feel very soft, it seems they can handle supercrop.
  11. Crazy cat daddy

    Does carrying plastic pots harm the roots of plant?

    Yes rounds are bigger, rounds are 5, squares are 4 gallons. Hey @JoeBlow5823 I need help in this thread, supercrop or not;
  12. Crazy cat daddy

    Flowering stretch and no space for hood to go up

    BTW I noticed that some of the lights wastes through the pipe, so I put a transparent plastic bottle between the hood and the pipe and gained back some of the light :)
  13. Crazy cat daddy

    Flowering stretch and no space for hood to go up

    I have 7 autoflower plants, they are 8 or 9 weeks. First week of flowering and they grow very fast. Their hight is 4.1 to 5.7 feet (125 to 175 cm). There is step down at the second raw so they are taller than they look. Front raw is for the shorter girls. The plants at the second raw is 5.2 to...
  14. Crazy cat daddy

    Does carrying plastic pots harm the roots of plant?

    I use both round and square pots and it seems they both pros and cons. Considering the width of the pot, square pots holds 2 times more growing medium than the round ones. That means square pots takes up 2 times less area than the round ones. But plants that I grow in the round pots seems to...
  15. Crazy cat daddy

    Does carrying plastic pots harm the roots of plant?

    Thank you all guys for your answers, your answers relieved me. I'm not allowed to thank your posts as a newbie, sorry for that.
  16. Crazy cat daddy

    Does carrying plastic pots harm the roots of plant?

    My plants are in 23 litres (6 gallons) of plastic pots. I notice that when I hold and raise the pot with plant in it, bottom of the pot bends and makes a slight arch (5 mm) because of the weight of soil and plant. This made me think that this might cause some of the roots to break off. Roots are...