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  1. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I'm really not making it complexed at all. I asked a simple question, I never even said was gonna do it. I was just seeing if something like that would fuck your plants up shocking them or anything. Like I said I water them once a day and that's it. This is my first grow so I don't have a rez...
  2. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Bru you talking gay as fuck right now, what you mean??
  3. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Naw bitch, you coming at me sideways flapping ya dick suckers.
  4. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Man fuck you
  5. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    is that all yall muthafuckas do is suck each others dicks back n forth?? Damn Bru let me out this gay ass fourm.
  6. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Yeah cause you a bitchass nigga. That's exactly what bitchass niggaz would do. Soft ass bitch.
  7. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Yeah and before you someone brought up drip irrigation which led to all the questions. Stupid ass fuck, learn how to read dumb ass.. Trust me I seen your bland dumbass response. You clarified nothing either. You're one of the idiots I was talking about.
  8. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Sounds good. Yeah right now mine are sitting on elevators in saucers that hold quite a bit. I use a shopvac as well. Genius on the cooling racks. Yeah I'm definitely gonna look it more, it could make growing a little easier. Especially with the trellis up.
  9. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I really like how that is set up. Yeah I'm gonna have to learn a bit more about them. I mean I'm sure it's as simple as stick in it, set it up, and you're good to go. I just have to learn about the flow rates, timers, runoff, and preventing flooding or anything. Seems like a new ballpark I...
  10. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I definitely want some sort of autowatering. You're misunderstanding me. I should have said I'm gonna keep doing this the rest of this grow. I definitely want some sort of auto system but wouldn't that screw up my roots this late into flowering? It's a lot of work everyday to water these things...
  11. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Ok you got me there. I wasn't 100% being sarcastic but sort of was, lots of folks blowing smoke on their knowledge.
  12. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing until they show me they need more. I asked only out of curiosity. I thought it would help them jumpstart the day that is all. It was a dumb idea I guess.
  13. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Am I suppose to get mad at all these insults you throwing or what??
  14. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Thanks, il keep that in mind.
  15. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Also man... I've never disrespected anyone on any of these forums. I have gotten some good help on both here and micro, but most of the time it seems like a bunch of idiots that know everything but don't wanna give out their secrets, and tell you Google Google, like bruh I did Google and here I...
  16. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I'm talking in general, I said no one specifically. Be honest, and admit there are lot of idiots...
  17. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    I'm just gonna keep watering the way I am once a day. I was gonna give them a little extra in the morning but I'm not even gonna do it. No one can give me a straight answer tbh. Like water with nutrients everytime?? What don't lower the ppm? So what lol 1.4 ec multiple times a day? That's not...
  18. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    Way to late for that. I'm definitely thinking about something like that for my next grow though.
  19. Jsw396

    Another watering question...

    If I'm watering my plants 2-3 times a day, can I do just ph water w/ calmag in the morning and then add my nutes an do regular feeding later in the day or do I absolutely need nutrients every watering? In a soiless peat coco mix. Currently I've only been watering once about 3pm everyday. Just...
  20. Jsw396

    Floralicious plus?

    Thank you, yeah this is my first indoor grow, just 2nd ever. I take so many pictures so I sort of have a good reference but not 100%. Just crazy the damn thing started flowering so early. Had to be an auto by mistake. May 14th would be the 4 week mark, so it deff could have been an auto.The one...