Search results

  1. PanZion

    Experienced Knowledle needed *PLEASE HELP

    Need help! Hi guys I am experienced grower but not ashamed to say here in the tropics I am a rookie especially when it comes to ID'ing humidity and pest related issues. I'm growing outdoors on my balcony in the jungle in Central America so insects are always present and I have had to just accept...
  2. PanZion

    Need some advice

    Hi I am growing outdoors in the jungle in Central America and there is every insect known to man on my land both good and bad for cannabis, just entered 3rd week of flower and so far so good. I know Azamax is not the top choice for preventative insect control especially in living soil but it's...
  3. PanZion

    Great Books For Growers

    I'm sure many of you have already read one if not both of these but for you who haven't I highly recommend them, especially if you're growing in living soil. I'm reading TWM for a second time at the moment on the hammock. They contradict each other on many levels.. mainly anaerobic(JADAM) V'S...
  4. PanZion

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Hi guys, new to here and to forums in general.. I'm a New Zealand native raised in South Australia, which at one point in the 90's had some of the most progressive cannabis laws on the planet(10 plants were allowed and if caught no criminal conviction and $150 on the spot fine was all you got)...
  5. PanZion

    Deficiency ID

    Hi growing outdoors on my porch in living soil, feeding mostly PH'd dechlorinated water whilst top dressing monthly with worm castings, feeding compost teas every 2 weeks and inputs of aloe vera, seed sprout tea(moringa seeds) and epsom salts when I feel it's needed. Everything has been on track...
  6. PanZion

    Stressed Tips

    Hi farmers, this week I've noticed a few of my girls are showing signs of stress on the tips and new growth. New leaves are skinny and twisted and look stunted. I'm growing outdoors in a home made living soil which consists of home made veg compost and worm castings(50%), good organic quality...
  7. PanZion

    Moringa Seeds

    Has anyone tried SST with Moringa seeds before? I have a tree producing a lot at home, I know they are high in zinc and iron but not sure if there's any possible risks envolved? I would use the normal barley grain and corn but can't source organic anywhere.
  8. PanZion

    Ocean Water and Trace Minerals

    For some time now I've been using clean ocean water once or twice a month diluted in my water when feeding, the reason being there are 90 or more trace minerals in sea water and basically in layman's terms all life originally comes or came from the ocean. I normally use a ratio of about 20 ml...
  9. PanZion

    Total Disolved Solids

    Hi long time grower new to the forum, I hope your all staying safe in these weird times... I've recently transplanted my out door ladies in to 5 gallon pots, so far so good. Yesterday I did a soil test and the PH was an average of 6.8 and TDS was 300, my concerns are firstly: did the water I...