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  1. B

    Is this a hermie?

    For sure thanks. Can the bud still come out fire?
  2. B

    Is this a hermie?

    The bud formations seems to be good. It’s the really low shoots at the bottom that are growing hermies. The strain is mag landrace I got from a medical jar n I heard it’s known for hermeing but didn’t know if it was true.
  3. B

    Is this a hermie?

    First grow everything has been going good I’m 6 weeks into flower and I noticed this on some of the lower shoots. Looks like a seed forming can’t tell if it’s a hermie. Someone help me out n let me know what I should do.
  4. B

    Flushing vs no flushing. Week 6 of flower.

    Sounds good man thanks for the info!
  5. B

    Flushing vs no flushing. Week 6 of flower.

    I am in week 6 of flower on this mag landrace plant. It’s a straight indica and I’m in ffof soil. This is my first grow ever by the way so I have a lot of questions. I have been feeding according the fox farm soil feeding schedule and I noticed that some of my leaves have burnt tips. I looked...
  6. B

    Week 4 of flower and want to know how bud structure looks

    Lol I tried uploading a better pic lmk
  7. B

    Week 4 of flower and want to know how bud structure looks

    My first grow n it’s a few days into week 4 of flowering. Just wanna know if the bud growth looks good and is on track or if it’s behind. In a 5 gal pot and was vegged for 2 months.
  8. B

    Is this looking like a female?

    Good to know thanks. I was reading about that but didn’t know if it was true or not thanks.
  9. B

    Is this looking like a female?

    I do not see any.
  10. B

    Is this looking like a female?

    Been in veg for about 7 weeks and still going. Just curious if it is looking like a female, I’d like to know before I switch to flower.
  11. B

    Light burn or nute burn

    Okay sounds good man thanks.
  12. B

    Light burn or nute burn

    Okay thanks man will do.
  13. B

    Light burn? Or nute burn?

    No Still in veg. Lights on 18 hrs off 6.
  14. B

    Light burn or nute burn

    Soil is fox farms ocean forest and been feeding big bloom and grow big and just started using at 1/2 strength from 1/4 strength previously.
  15. B

    Light burn? Or nute burn?

    Plant is 26in away from a 450w led so I don’t know how it could be light burn. Most of the tops have yellow tips. Anyone know if this is light burn or nute burn. I’m in ffof and feed 1/2 strength nutes.
  16. B

    Light burn or nute burn

    This plant is under a 450w led about 26in away. It’s 6 week into veg and I noticed almost all of my tops have yellow tips and the ones pictured below are the most affected. I just transplanted into a 5 gal a few days ago and gave it a ph’d water today. Can someone let me know what they think it is.
  17. B

    When to switch from 2gal to 5gal

    So I have been vegging this plant for 6 weeks. I plan on finishing it in a 5 gal and would like to transplant it now if I could. Should I wait for the transplant? bc I am not needing to water everyday but I do see roots when looking at the bottom of the pot. I just don’t wanna ruin anything by...
  18. B

    Is this a female?

    So this was originally a bag seed. First grow but can’t tell if those are the pistols shooting out. Can someone just let me know if they think it has show it’s sign of gender or not.
  19. B

    What type of deficiency or toxicity is this?

    Can anyone let me know what they think this is? I am on week 5 of my grow and my plant is looking good. This deficiency/toxicity only happened to the two lowest fan leaves. I’m in ffof and gave first feeding a week ago. Ph of water is 6.5.
  20. B

    Is this rust or cal mag issue?

    Some people don’t have the luxury smart ass.