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  1. V

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    Hey guys today marks week 3 day 6 of flower. I’m rocking 3 cherry pie photo periods from As flower moves along I’m aware minor nitrogen deficiencies occur naturally to these plants as they near the end of their life cycle, however I do believe my prizes pheno out of this run is...
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    Need some help diagnosing a sick plant!

    I actually don’t, this is my third run ever, and I’ve never had a PH issue. However this is the first time I’m reusing soil. This soil was used in my last run and I got little to no fade when harvest time came so maybe there’s some build up??
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    Need some help diagnosing a sick plant!

    I am using RO water, what’s the best additive? Someone mentioned flushing which confused me. Do I have too much nutes or too little?
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    Need some help diagnosing a sick plant!

    Hey guys I got three 7 week old feminized photo period cherry pies, potted in 7 gal fabric pots folded to around 5 gallons. Using reused fox farm ocean forest soil (used 1 grow previously). I’m using 3ml of both Sensi growth A + B, and 3ml of calmag per 1 gallon of water. I normally water every...
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    Quick! About to buy used LED

    What’s an affordable decent wattage light that’ll cover a 4x4x7?
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    Quick! About to buy used LED

    I got a 4x4x7 tent, what light would cover that for the same price range?
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    Quick! About to buy used LED

    They’re asking $250 it’s been used for an entire grow
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    Quick! About to buy used LED

    I’m confused by what you mean lol. I have the slightest clue to what’s real and what’s fake from Mars hydro
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    Quick! About to buy used LED

    Hey guys so I’m on a budget and someone fairly close is selling a Mars hydro LG -G16A240LED-5W 600 Watt Mars II Series LED. Only problem is when I look up that model number I can’t find anything about this particular model from a trustworthy source. Anybody have any experience or know if it’s an...
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    Small Buds Week 6?

    Hey I truly appreciate that. After this grow I’ll just use those to start some seedlings and I’ll search through some threads before I buy the next one. I’ll post the results as we move forward
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    Small buds for week 6?

    Hey so this is my second grow and things haven’t gone as smoothly as I wanted it too. I had a 345w light that started all 5 plants, for about the first week of their life when the power brick failed and the plants experienced almost a full week of darkness at week 2. Not having the money at the...
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    Small Buds Week 6?

    Hey so this is my second grow and things haven’t gone as smoothly as I wanted it too. I had a 345w light that started all 5 plants, for about the first week of their life when the power brick failed and the plants experienced almost a full week of darkness at week 2. Not having the money at the...
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    Should I flush only the struggling plants, or should I flush all of the plants just to be safe, even if they don't have damaged leaves?
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    I’d say the temp is probably 45-55F and the rents in the basement, but it can’t be moved due to the size of it. The rH outside the tent is even lower, probably 25-30
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    I have some side vents that I can open up with a fan outside the tent blowing air in. I’ll give that shot. The rH goes from 35- up to 50. It’s winter over here and I have a humidifier the problem is, is that there is no settings except on, and last time I left it on for 30 minutes the rh in the...
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    I’m using the Hollandstar 1500 watt LED, and I really think not enough air could be a possibility. I asked a friend of mine in person and they did go out of their way to say make sure enough fresh air is being brought in.
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    Sick Plants Need help ASAP!

    I’ll give that. Should I flush all the plants or only the plants with sick leaves and sick new growth?
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    Some reason they didn’t attach
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    Sick Plants Need help ASAP!

    Should I do a flush?
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    Sick Plants Need Help ASAP!!

    Hey guys so this the my second time growing so go easy on me. I’m rocking a 4x4x7 tent with 5 photo period plants. 1 green crack (Siamese twin) 2 chocolopes, and 2 cherry pies. We’re on about week 9 of veg however during the 2nd week, the light died and these guys were subjected to 4-5 days with...