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  1. S

    Burning or maturing pistils?

    How did these turn out? Did u figure the problem and fix it?
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    Light burn? Or nute burn?

    The plant actually looks pretty healthy. I use nutes with ff also when they are only 3 weeks old without any problems. I think u are worrying a bit to much. Also-is the light ON “red and blue?” I think your lights are to far away from the plants to process the extra nutes properly. Id put them...
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    Slow Maturing

    Did u ever figutre out the problem? I figured u have the lights to close to the plants and should be using five gallon vs. two gallon bags. Sup?
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    Help! Yellowing leaves close to harvest.

    I am close to 12 weeks of flowering-not from the switch but from the beginning of flowering and they are close but still not quite. Most trikes are still clear with a few amber and calyxes are continuing to swell. My last watering was four days ago and i noticed these yellow leaves which have...
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    Help! Leaves yellowing.

    I am close to 12 weeks of flowering-not from the switch but from the beginning of flowering and they are close but still not quite. Most trikes are still clear with a few amber and calyxes are continuing to swell. My last watering was four days ago and i noticed these yellow leaves which have...
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    Do these buds look ready/ripe

    Im 11 weeks flowering indoors and the trikes are ambivalent. Some are amber some are cloudy and some are clear. Tryna go by looks now. Buds are tight/solid af and was supposed to be only an 8-9 week flower strain. Help?
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    Purposefully drown indoor plants before harvest?

    r u sure? Do u know what page it is? The thread has 20 pages and it was about the “most outrageous hippy methods of growing.”
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    Purposefully drown indoor plants before harvest?

    I read an older post from “riddleme” where people stated that putting your indoor plants in buckets of water to essentially choke them out improved potency as a sort of slower cure. Like slowly choking the plant out when it is close to harvest by drowning it so it gets zero oxygen improves the...
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    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    Hey. Do u still use this “drowning” method? This is the only online thread ive ever seen before. Thanks man.
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    Indica? Cloudy or cloudy and Amber

    Hey-howd they turn out? I have a gdp from ilgm that are getting close. Did u wait longer for mor amber trics? These are mine from a week ago.
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    All the mutherfucker does is lie solely to con his gullible cult. So easy to see yet so far away. For his gullible cult. Period. Nothin else to say. That bout covers it.