Search results

  1. G


    stoners talking about long songs, and no one?
  2. G


    Can I get in on Sector 8 access? Also, about a pound, about a month, needs more calmag.
  3. G

    North Atlantic Seed Company

    Seems to be their thing - I've ordered all autos so far, and both orders included all auto freebies. Which, yeah, is great! Given how good their communication is, I bet if one did a mixed order, a friendly request might well get some specific types of freebies.
  4. G

    North Atlantic Seed Company

    Wanted to chime in here as well. Same as everyone else. Two orders so far. Superb, FAST communication, fast fulfillment. Both orders took two days to arrive. All seeds in original breeders packaging, appropriate freebies with every order. 100% satisfied.