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  1. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    Can any body help i just had sum cuttins but they look like there buddin is it possible to turn them back and wat light cycle would they have to go on to turn dem back, i got them on 16 hrs on any help would i would b gratful
  2. s3pug

    What would you do?

    dose any body no how to take cutting off a buddin plant and gettin to start ????
  3. s3pug


    :wall: just wondering if any can help im growing widow and im flowering now i got my white hairs on mybuds but i wanna now is when dose it get it crystles cose mine aint :bigjoint:
  4. s3pug


    i think if any body wants to go hydro they should have a look at nft systems
  5. s3pug

    FAQ Suggestions ~ FAQ Suggestions ~ FAQ Suggestions ~ FAQ Suggestions

    mate not being rude but if people were to give u all der differnt info you would b confused u gota take the bits from wat u read and go for wats best for u i am a beginner like your self and have got all the info i need off this site just jump in and if you get stuck just ask some 1 will help...
  6. s3pug

    Stealth 11,200 lumen CFL 2 Plant Grow Seed to Smoke.

    looks nice will put som of my new 1s soon sprouting like a mofo lol
  7. s3pug

    Stealth 11,200 lumen CFL 2 Plant Grow Seed to Smoke.

    :bigjoint:so if i wait till next week so they are 3 weeks old then go 12/12 wat do you fink then dey got 5 weeks at 12/12bongsmilie
  8. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    :blsmoke::twisted:i ad a stress full 1 earler i got som stuff dat helps with roots an decided to put dat in an da ph level went low i got scaired so had to rush out n get da ph up it took da piss i was der for bout half hour trying to get it back:fire::joint::hump: lol
  9. s3pug

    my grow tent setup

    so wat 1 did u go with
  10. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    so i started with my water on every hour 4 15 min now i have put dem on 24 hour water on nft do u fink it will stress my babys
  11. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    yea loads mate got a lot more to take yet
  12. s3pug

    i carnt wait either. wish it would go from seed to bud in a month i would love dat just like now...

    i carnt wait either. wish it would go from seed to bud in a month i would love dat just like now wen no 1s got any green
  13. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    yea i got a pic nealy every day n will carry on till there all don
  14. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    if u look at my ablum u can see da other days
  15. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    might still try it next time and c wat appens it carnt hert i might do more
  16. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    so wat ur saying i dat da yeald is not ass good den
  17. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    do u have to do more work with dem wen its 12/12 from seed might try it on my next 1
  18. s3pug

    help on the first grow

    fair play if mine come out i would b realy happy and u said they are on a 12/12 from seed
  19. s3pug

    Stealth 11,200 lumen CFL 2 Plant Grow Seed to Smoke.

    its in a closet 8 ft tall and 3 ft wide but i use nft instead av a look der only 8 days old