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  1. Flagg

    Hash Oil and Light??

    Because of this, you don't deserve an answer.
  2. Flagg

    DWC & Peroxide ? If you Know whats up come post info! If you dont know, shut up =)

    If you are using a 5 gallon bucket, then 1 ounce/gallon every 3 days would be 5 ounces every three days. That is the equivalent of 1.66 (one and two thirds) ounces per day. Thanks for posting that article. It's just what I was looking for.
  3. Flagg

    Best place to drop acid?

    Shambhala Music Festival.
  4. Flagg

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I've been curious about this as well. When you say, "go long days", do you mean give them 18-24 hours of light per day? Also, do cannabis genetics guarantee that all cuttings will return to producing opposing nodes? If not, are there any techniques you would recommend for improving the...
  5. Flagg

    are cfls worth it?

    8-10 inch diameter bulbs? That's a bulb about half as wide as a basketball. :???:
  6. Flagg

    2lbs of bubba kush on 1 light

    I live in Korea and bud is VERY rare. I came across some a couple years ago at about $80 a gram. My friends and I all chipped in and got a half ounce for just over $1100!!! Sounds like a waste of money, but it was a nice treat. I wouldn't pay that often, but once every couple of years is...
  7. Flagg

    Nope. I live in South Korea and it's really hard to find anything. I've smoked here only a few...

    Nope. I live in South Korea and it's really hard to find anything. I've smoked here only a few times in the past 6 years. It sucks! I did go to China last week though and smoked some decent hash.
  8. Flagg

    Anyone from Edmonton or Calgary?

    I'm originally from a small town just a little south of Edmonton called Ponoka. Welcome to RIU!
  9. Flagg

    My Secret Jardin DR300W setup and review

    +rep I'm planning on buying a DR120 and your review was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for putting in all the time and effort into this thread.
  10. Flagg

    WFT is wrong with my perfect DWC!!?!?!!??!

    I'm sure he was referring to the OP who stated he was using a "perfect DWC".
  11. Flagg

    DWC bucket guide

    What is a water-level tube? Actually, I have a pretty good idea what it is, but I'm wondering what is involved in installing one?
  12. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    I think I've nearly abandoned the idea of going with the Water Farm. The DIY DWCs look easy enough. I'll be sure to start a grow journal once I get things going. It won't be for a while though as I'm living in South Korea right now and need to wait until move back to Canada in the summer...
  13. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    I fixed the link. Thanks for posting yours. I'm going to go read it now.
  14. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    I came across this thread on making a DIY DWC last night and I think I'll try something similar to this. It looks easy enough even for a complete noob like myself.
  15. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    I don't like the idea of having multiple reservoirs to worry about. I guess I just want to have the best possible set-up for a newbie. I'm hesitant to make something myself as I have no experience to rely on. I still have a lot of time before I can start my op, so I'm going to do all the...
  16. Flagg

    Hello from Korea~!

    Cool! I've wanted to live in Japan ever since I moved to Korea. Actually, I was planning on moving there this summer to study Japanese, but I changed my mind in favor going back to Canada for school. I was in Tokyo a couple years ago and the first thing I did after checking into my hotel...
  17. Flagg

    Hello from Korea~!

    I'm in the South. The laws here are pretty strict and testing positive for THC is the same as possession! Whenever a foreigner gets busted, it always makes the headlines. It seems like most times that person is just deported. However, about two years ago the government wanted to send a...
  18. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    Yeah, it does look pretty simple to build a similar product, but I don't mind spending the money to get a something that's already made and will work exactly as intended. I'm going to be living in a new city with no family or friends, I'll have no tools whatsoever, so I'm looking for something...
  19. Flagg

    Hello from Korea~!

    Hello everyone! I've been lurking on this site for a couple weeks now just soaking it all in and I figure I may as well introduce myself and become an active member. I've been living in Korea for the past 6 years teaching English. Korea is a pretty fun place to live; wild nightlife, good...
  20. Flagg

    General Hydroponics Water Farm

    GH Water Farm I've used the search function and come up with nothing on this product. Does anyone here have any experience with it? I'm still in the planning stages of my future set-up and have looked at a few things. I'd like to grow 4 or 5 plants inside a DR120 grow tent. I...