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  1. scottlesrocks

    Nirvana Snow White Feminised, 6 plants (3 from seed 3 clone)

    So... basically, were 4 uni students sharing a house, decided to grow some ganjabis, 2 of us have had previous experience growing, thought we'd put together our own bud box as would be cheaper, 400W HPS, and like 5-6 smaller 11-14W bulbs underneath later on in the grow. Plant magic nutes all the...
  2. scottlesrocks

    How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

    yeah man im with you, everyone on here is being a massive douche, your asking your mum, not just growing without permission which is what the problem would be because she can make her own decisions, plus your asking advice - whats with all the know-it-all turds whining and bitching, and...
  3. scottlesrocks

    To Hide A Grow Closet.

    just put them in your wardrobe or something when the inspection is on? i swear they have to let you know like the day before or on the day
  4. scottlesrocks

    Brown Tips, Drooping And New Spindly Growth Pics

    what nutes are you using, if you arent using any then its probs on its way to deficiencies which maybe explains the spindly growth. try putting the fan so its blowing air OUT of the box, at the top (hot air rises), then if you put a vent hole in the opposite side at the bottom, this will suck...
  5. scottlesrocks

    hey guys i need help first time growing northern lights help!

    lol your bro literally sounds like a kid, but yeah agree with everyone else, you need drainage hole - if thats not possible then repot ASAP, andd i think your light is too far away, you could have a 25w bulb like a couple of inches away and it wouldnt stretch like that at all till it was more...
  6. scottlesrocks

    first grow blackjack/eldarado week into 12/12(pics)

    yeah man plants looking well good, you need to get yoself a reflector for that lamp though! dunno what you meant about pistils before you started 12/12 though, are you sure you didnt just get mixed up with the secondary growth, or the two little green hair things that are at the nodes, lots of...
  7. scottlesrocks

    Yellowing lower leaves, drooping leaves, and now deformed new growth on seedlings??

    The light is like a foot away, and they have only had one small feeding of nutes, from what i have read i thought it was N and maybe P deficiency, i dont have any money to buy nutes till next week though. Also is there not a chance it could be the pH locking out nutrients? i dont know why the pH...
  8. scottlesrocks

    Yellowing lower leaves, drooping leaves, and now deformed new growth on seedlings??

    Hey, this is my second grow, growing Snow White from Nirvana. Budget set up atm except for a 400w HPS; using some soil from the garden, (it had been mixed with some compost a while ago), waiting for perlite for when i re-pot it, in pot noodle pots with plenty of wide holes cut in the bottom...
  9. scottlesrocks

    HELP!!! 4 weeks in2 flowering timer broke plant had extra 4 hours of light!!!

    thankyou sooooo much man if ur sure she'll be alright i trust u its just blatetly i was well worried x
  10. scottlesrocks

    HELP!!! 4 weeks in2 flowering timer broke plant had extra 4 hours of light!!!

    SHHHIIIITTT my 4 week in2 flowerin beautiful baby got fucked my timer broke whilst i was out and it ended up having an extra 4 hours of light is this gonna completely fuck its flowering cycle and mean its gonna fuckin get shocked an stop flowerin 4 like 2 weeks??? pleaase please some1 help me...