Search results

  1. cirnos k

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    I like to find "diamonds in the green", movies that weren't supposed to be comedies, but with dialogue/plot/scenes so silly they are hilarious (well at least to me, ymmv). Here's a couple: Meteor - 1979 Nate & Hayes - 1983
  2. cirnos k

    Any runners who use Cannabis?

    howdy Joey!
  3. cirnos k

    whats your favorite game while stoned?

    War Machines. I crack up every time my tank gets blowed up!
  4. cirnos k

    How to avoid long term effects from cannabis use?

    I don't recall losing any memory or learning skills. Or perhaps that's the problem? Anywho, I like to do puzzles like sudoku every day.
  5. cirnos k

    Any runners who use Cannabis?

    Running no - cycling yes. About 8K miles a year. I am a little concerned about aerobic capacity with smoking every day, but doesn't seem to be noticeable. I don't partake before riding, but I do know some who like to do during mountain bike rides.
  6. cirnos k

    What are you smoking today?

    Wedding Cake courtesy of Mass Theory Wellness
  7. cirnos k


    This looks like an interesting site. If I wasn't so high right now I'd think of something else to say!