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  1. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    Oh ok then, most chlorine should evaporate in 24 hours if you have regular municipal water source.what’s the ppm of the tap water alone?
  2. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    well I don’t know what ppm your tap water is and if it is treated with chlorine you should let it sit out 24 hours and bubble with air stone get rid of chlorine in water
  3. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    It is a beneficial bacteria only if your res water gets in high temps like mid 70s it protects roots by feeding on whatever root rot feeds on so it can’t grow faster and take ahold
  4. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    I know and some people are able to Use all of them but so many people grow using that nutrient that they made their own little way of using it better your welcome tho and what’s the ppm of your tap cause whatever your ppm of you plant is isn’t 450. Let say your tap is 200 ppm and your at 450 so...
  5. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    forgot what type water you using anyways?
  6. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    distilled or ro works also i hope you have cal mag and hydroguard?
  7. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    Before anything you should read this for your nutrients
  8. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    Try up it to 600 after getting it 600 ph it to 5.5 cause it is going to rise for atleast 36 hours make sure you chevk on it if ph goes above 6.3 ph down to 5.8 let it go and mark a line for your water level it is then the next day add ro water with 0 ppm to the line check the ec if it went up...
  9. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    What the full strength ec/ppm you feed in beginning?
  10. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    No it wouldn’t hurt it at all will make ph more stable and be better for you really as long as you can keep light out and enough air to the roots and water temp decently cooled.
  11. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    You said ppm/ec started dropping after you cut your nutes? Might have started to get use to the high feed and needs it upped more if your ppm is dropping fast. Also I like to keep ph between 5.5 up to 6.2 but can go up 6.5 the sweet spot 5.8. You’ve been just topping with plain water or with...
  12. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    sounds pretty low to me could be drooping from osmotic pressure. Have you been writing down ec drops or rises or ph drops or rises?
  13. X

    plants drooping in dwc

    What ec/ppm you feeding it? Are they eatting is water level dropping? Could just be not enough room in bucket for roots and water being that big
  14. X

    Excessive iron locked out magnesium? What y’all think?

    Hey guys back again just wonder the same plants I had problems with I’ve still been dealing with and this is as far as I have gotten I think I stressed the one plant out to much with all the problems that happened but anyways just wanted y’all opinion and another thing is the leaf droopying to...
  15. X

    Any know if my water is good or anything to high

    Well water no softener using for hydroponics dwc
  16. X

    Any know if my water is good or anything to high

    Oh I know acidic I always ph up after in mix nutrients but being that low long as I adjust it shouldn’t hurt should it?
  17. X

    Any know if my water is good or anything to high

    Here is the lab report
  18. X

    Excessive iron locked out magnesium? What y’all think?

    Some people running it throughout whole grow some just run it when problem start like algae or slime and then a lot people like to run Clorox instead of h202 cheaper and it evaporates within 24 hours if you keep ppm 0.5 to max I think was 4 ppm
  19. X

    Excessive iron locked out magnesium? What y’all think?

    Nah meter spot on i check it with cup I have in fridge with the ph buffer in it 3 diff ones but honestly I just think it is well water I think if I switch to ro bought water and synthetic nutes, cal mag and h202 off the beginning I should be good