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  1. Z

    Can a fem seed breed to stability?

    Never tried CSI Humboldt. I’ll try them... anything specific you’ve grown out that was good from them? Yes gg4 for sure ... did ethos glue from seed... 100 percent herm! I miss the old masterkushx OG Was a tank of AAA weed.
  2. Z

    What Should I Cross?

    Thanks... I’m going to reach out to him. I’ve heard medicinal genomics came out with a pcr primer that can detect herm in seed before even sprouting. I just don’t understand how these big name seed banks don’t collaborate with real ag researchers and start stabilizing their unique strains. They...
  3. Z

    Cannarado genetics

    No just stuff from cannarado order.... in same greenhouse run as ethos, in house, grandiflora, and other breeders seed... hardly any herms from those seeds and all were feminized... I’ve had some good luck with most seeds I ordered through online seed banks from cannarado... this time I went...
  4. Z

    What Should I Cross?

    More of a large pheno hunt... clone game is toast. Tested darn near every nursery in California and every one tested positive for pythium and or fusarium. Even nodal TC companies. Been soaking seed in bleach and sprouting in vitro... only way I’ve been able to quickly create pathogen free...
  5. Z

    Can a fem seed breed to stability?

    People should absolutely hammer breeders that are releasing crap genetics, publicly ... soon these shady seed companies will be out of business once real scientists and molecular biologists create true breeding strains. Most breeders are not breeders at all. They are completely ignorant on what...
  6. Z

    Pack you don’t have to “hunt” through

    Humboldt seed company are total idiots with garbage genetics.
  7. Z

    Cannarado genetics

    I got some seeds in that same packaging and dam near everything was herm. Went to Cannarado pnw representative for bulk seed for legal farm.... had to kill 4K sq ft of herms. I lost all respect for them... never even responded. Cannarado is a kook.
  8. Z

    Cannarado genetics

  9. Z

    What Should I Cross?

    I got a bunch of bulk seed from cannarado pnw representative and got screwed. Mostly herms. Goji margy, 7 sins, and garlic margy especially... dude is selling herm seeds to licensed farms. Lost all respect for cannarado. Would not even reply. He has no idea what he’s doing... just rubbing random...
  10. Z

    Pack you don’t have to “hunt” through

    I'm looking for something stable to flower in bulk , no hunt, like this but never had luck running European seeds. Is serious seeds quality as good as cannarado, phinest, for example? In my experience the more stable the more commercial mids but I'm relatively new to flowering bulk seed crops...
  11. Z

    Pack you don’t have to “hunt” through

    Im looking for stable genetics too. Trying to bypass clones and not worry about crown pathogens. Anyone know any seed banks that have stable seeds ? (low phenotype variation and similar structure and nose?) seems to be an area somebody should be focusing on. Ethos had was more stable than most...
  12. Z


    I've done slap and tickle. There are some good ones for sure. had 1 out of 10 herm.