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  1. romulanlover

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    The torched rolling pin could be too hot. The boiling water glass method is nice because there's a easily achievable peak temp and obviously the results speak for themselves
  2. romulanlover

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    q for the melters out there... this run i didnt shave my ladies legs, and got a bunch of popcorn. should i be busting it up somehow? or just throw the work in as is
  3. romulanlover

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Sweet thread. Currently using royal gold red bag coco. it had something ridiculous like a 2000ppm runoff so I preflush before use. Running the basic A&B, with rhizo/cannazym/hygrozyme here and there. Then molasses and PK13/14 in flower. Who has canna brand coco and if so are you guys pre...
  4. romulanlover

    Romulanlover's First Grow Journal

    The fresh canvas... Took down to gross particle board ceiling, bleached and TSP'd the walls and floor, painted the walls w/ 2 coats: Buddy came by for some help: Sound/fire proof insulation in the ceiling, drywalled that up. Tuck taped every corner and crack to to seal up. Painted the...
  5. romulanlover

    Romulanlover's First Grow Journal

    Well the time has come. I"ve learned a ton of stuff (both factually true and false) from this forum. Been growing for about 3 years now and reading other folks experiences has sped up the learning curve and allowed me to avoid disasterous circumstances. I appreciate that. I've just set up a new...
  6. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    And as for a lawyer familiar with MMPR, there would be none better than kirk tousaw. It will likely be damn near impossible to obtain a consultation with him, luckily I was referred. But he did tell me he will be running info sessions (costly ones at that) on MMPR, so maybe one can inquire to...
  7. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Man this forum is poppin! Few days away and so many things to address. Don't believe the man who claims insurance is a big barrier. Someone I know has premises insurance (fire/flood/broken windows) for their declared medical marijuana op on commercial property. Many commercial insurance...
  8. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The regulations are vague. And indeed HC lost control of the MMAR program. Firemen policemen the public bitched. So they come out with new ones. Just beacuse they don't want you throwing up a makeshift op in your moldy basement with your cat hair and dreadlock dandruff floating around in the air...
  9. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Any thoughts on zoning guys. Sounds like we are at the mercy of municipalities, most of whom haven't addressed any form of zoning regarding cannabis ops. Would be a nightmare to set up and then be zoned out down the road. I suppose the letters to officials may alleviate some concern in that regard?
  10. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The middle entity would basically be an LP, but with little to no focus on producing and all focus on logistics - importing from other LP's, handling the client list (the most challenging and valuable part) and mailing out to clients. I see your point, to avoid being screwed the "middleman"...
  11. romulanlover

    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    Another thought I forgot to mention - and I'll see if you guys have any thought on this - it sounds like you gotta do most of your capital investment (equipment, location either rented or bought, security system) prior to actually being approved. The thought of throwing all that dough down and...
  12. romulanlover

    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    In the grand scheme of things the invesment is not anything out of this world compared to small biz investments required in other industries. In my view the real kicker is getting your clientele, likely without any form of advertising being permitted aside from having your contact info on the HC...
  13. romulanlover

    License deadline?

    @buckets Tried to PM ya but your box is full, just wanted to know how long it took you after your app got actually forwarded to HC (after that address mishap), for them to send it back to you due to clerical error on the part of your doc? I've read that HC responds to missing information errors...
  14. romulanlover

    License deadline?

    And leave folks without their medicine? It will take time for the LP's to get up and running - you know, finding commercial space which fits the standards HC haven't released yet, making sure it fits municipal zoning, which municipalities haven't addressed yet, the wait for the application...
  15. romulanlover

    License deadline?

    Little off topic but I want to pick the experienced brains in this thread: I took another patient under my care recently. Sent the forms off May 23rd. Upon reviewing my copies I realised I forgot to put my telephone # and email in Form D. (I know, I know. The part talking about concession...
  16. romulanlover

    License deadline?

    This thread makes me happy
  17. romulanlover

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Sounds like your a man on a mission Simon, I like that. A prominent cannabis lawyer advised me to cool my jets on leasing or purchasing prior to the final regulations being published, as obscure requirements such as wall thickness, proximity to schools and municipal zoning are enough render a...
  18. romulanlover

    Vice: Bc bud

    Vice came out with this coverage of the BC industry and the upcoming regulatory changes. A good watch for the most part:
  19. romulanlover

    MMAR home insurance

    bump - no one around these parts is insured in Canada for MMAR? granted i'm being lazy, gonna start calling around soon but would rather someone spoon feed me