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  1. G


    I can't post any photos as my camera is broken
  2. G


    So basically guys I'm have no idea what's going on. I have 6 plants all currently in week 5 of flower (well that's when I flipped to 12/12). And 1 plant looks like it is ready for harvest?? Yet it's only about week 5. But the other 5 look like they're all at different stages, the 2 at the front...
  3. G

    Week 3 of flower

    Tbf yes I have touched a couple with my hands to smell the dankness. And I have touched a couple with my microscope to look at the trichs. And what are nanners? Are you referring to those weird banana shaped things when they hermie?
  4. G

    Week 3 of flower

    In week 3 of flower
  5. G

    Week 3 of flower

    Just wondering, is it normal for a few pistils to turn a little brown on the ends and shrivel up slightly. I would post some pictures but my camera isn't working
  6. G


    Quick question. Do dehumidifiers work better when in line with the actual bush of the plant? I had a humidity issue and got 2 dehumidifiers placed on the floor but they're doing practically nothing.
  7. G

    3 different leaf issues

    The plants are approaching 3 months in veg. Growing in canna coco coir. Picture 1, the dry crumbley leaves only appear at the bottom. Picture 2, the brown/red spots only appear on a couple leaves at the top, on only 2 of the 6 plants. Picture 3, the yellow edges are on almost every leaf at the...
  8. G

    3 different leaf issues

    So I've noticed that the leaves on most of my plants are displaying some sort of issue. I think a lot of it is nute burn and subsequently toxicity of certain nutes but I am far from a professional so I wanted to get this communities opinions, please take a look and tell me what you think. So I...
  9. G

    Top leaves wilting

    Weed plants are, as you guessed it, WEEDS. Much like the common garden weeds they can survive a heap of stress and damage and still grow, so I'd say keep up the stressors that you have in place I.e. the higher temps etc. If this "issue" gets any worse tho then probably best to stop stressing it...
  10. G

    Top leaves wilting

    Looks okay to me I think. Doesn't look very unhappy, pretty sure it's normal for plants to go a little droopy or "tired" towards the end of their "day". But I am far from a pro
  11. G

    Is this an issue?

    Ah thanks mate. She's still in veg and I thought it looked cool but then wasnt sure if she was trying to tell me something. But yeah everything else is telling me she's healthy
  12. G

    Is this an issue?

    Oh and 5ml of canna cal-mag added in to the reservoir
  13. G

    Is this an issue?

    This is my gorilla glue plant. She is around 8 weeks since sprout and I've noticed that alot of her stems are purple, and was wondering if this is normal for gorilla glue. They are in canna coco plus with perlite Feeding schedule: I fill a container with 12L of water and add 48ml of canna coco...
  14. G

    4 weeks veg not enough?

    Definitely start LST. Usually start LST as early as possible, usually within a week or 2 if I feel they are strong enough
  15. G

    Please help!

    Not necessarily. A couple weeks ago I noticed these "balls" forming right next to the female sex organs (mind went blank fully forgot what they're called lol) and fully thought it turned herm, cause that is the plant that I dropped my fan on at a very young age. But now they sprouted out into...
  16. G

    Phosphorus deficiency?

    Mate are you broken? His comment was much more useful than yours, you gave 0 info you just simply made an idiotic statement that does not help (to an extent). He was asking about feeding practices to work out if he feeds at a strength too strong etc, to then work out a solution. All you did was...
  17. G

    my first grow ever, and my cat ate the leaves of it

    Also don't wrap the tape around really tight, just do it really loose. Else when it comes to taking it off you might just split it again.
  18. G

    my first grow ever, and my cat ate the leaves of it

    Then give it about a week before you take the tape off
  19. G

    my first grow ever, and my cat ate the leaves of it

    Here's an example on my clone. Just pretend the filter stick is a tooth pick lol. Then just wrap a small bit of tape around the toothpick and the stem, shouldn't do any extra damage as long as you are gentle with her