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  1. mr.mattress

    frost or WPM?

    oh tight. i thought for sure the whiter patches were mildew. dope dope :bigjoint:
  2. mr.mattress

    frost or WPM?

    or both? afraid i know the answer already but not 100% this is a Purple Romulan at F40 btw
  3. mr.mattress

    little brown/red “stink bugs”?

    just found this...guy on the right looks pretty damn close. closer than a stinkbug for sure. im in BC so not a stretch if they’re common in Maine?
  4. mr.mattress

    little brown/red “stink bugs”?

    yep they started showing up in waves of like three or four on my window sills last summer. every day or two. then died down over winter and now they’re back. do yours smell almost exactly like almonds when you kill em (if you kill em) lol
  5. mr.mattress

    little brown/red “stink bugs”?

    they’ve got wings but don’t fly often. i kill on sight, they have a slight odour when crushed but not really “stinky”. just want to see if someone knows exactly what they are, on the off chance they are beneficial mite killers (my assumption is they eat the leaves. i’ve also seen them rubbing...
  6. mr.mattress

    brown hairs in early flower

    also: I accidentally left a fan running way too strong overnight. jostled the colas more than i would like, so that might account for some of the brown pistils!
  7. mr.mattress

    brown hairs in early flower

    oh shit i’m sorry y’all! I apologize for the lack of information. appreciate the lively debate. last I checked the runoff pH was slightly acidic, around 5.5, which I also tried to fix with the flush. there’s definitely a sheen and deep green hues which is what alerted me to overfeeding. i...
  8. mr.mattress

    brown hairs in early flower

    2 weeks into flower on this girl and some of her hairs are shrivelling and browning. I definitely overfed her :cry: fan leaf tips turning brown too. trying to fix the nutrient burn...flushed two days ago and waiting to see what happens. so my question: will these flowers recover or are they...
  9. mr.mattress

    Purple Romulan. second grow

    Thanks man. Advanced Nutrients Base nutes plus Bud Ignitor and Bud Factor X, all at 25-50%. Extremely vigorous growth, at times feels like I'm underfeeding a little but I dialed it back one I noticed nutrient burn on some leaves
  10. mr.mattress

    Purple Romulan. second grow

    Day 86 First update, 1.5 weeks into flower. Transplanted into a 5-gallon geopot, not much of a smell yet but a sickly sweet stem rub that screams Romulan.
  11. mr.mattress

    another “is it a hermie” thread...

    the suspense is KILLING me bro
  12. mr.mattress

    another “is it a hermie” thread...

    finally getting some calyxes on this Purple Romulan fem, but some of them are looking like pollen sacs to me. it’s my second grow, went too heavy on the LST and stressed the i’m paranoid and looking for second opinions:
  13. mr.mattress

    how far should i hang 600w COB LED?

    throw a fit as in, you get bleaching? or worse :shock::shock:
  14. mr.mattress

    how far should i hang 600w COB LED?

    ok word. i topped and have been aggressively LSTing for a while to keep my plants as flat as possible, so right now i’m able to get about 26-30 inches between the light and the canopy. do you think that’s enough distance to harden them up without dimming? (i’m not sure it’s possible to dim the...
  15. mr.mattress

    how far should i hang 600w COB LED?

    hey y’all i’m about 2 months into a grow, gonna switch to 12/12 soon, but first i’m swapping in a 600w Cree COB LED array to replace a 180w fluorescent setup i had for veg. dude who sold me the light said it should be 3ft from the canopy, but i’m working with under 5ft total clearance in my...
  16. mr.mattress

    Purple Romulan. second grow

    still new around here but since there seems to be some interest in Romulan genetics I thought why the hell not? my first indoor crawlspace grow. pretty low budget/DIY, no tent, secondhand 160w T8 fixture for veg, custom 600w COB LED array for flower (switching soon) soon after popping. had...
  17. mr.mattress

    deformed leaves 4 weeks in

    Well shit....i do have a cat. I don't let him in the grow room but who knows....... Gonna get that neem spray tomorrow. Thanks everyone :bigjoint:
  18. mr.mattress

    deformed leaves 4 weeks in

    just topped at the fifth! my first attempt at this kind of training so i wanted to make sure the plant was chugging along before i stress it
  19. mr.mattress

    deformed leaves 4 weeks in

    ya it does look like that. but i watched that part of the leaf rip as it emerged and the fingers separated. and there’s no other evidence of critters anywhere else. BUT i’m gonna invest in neem anyway! just in case.
  20. mr.mattress

    deformed leaves 4 weeks in

    hey y’all, first post, second grow. everything is looking good with this feminized plant, about a month after germ, but there’s some weird growth I’m worried about. i’m using minimal amounts of bottled base nutes, plus some organic vitamin B rhizotonic for root mass, under a basic fluorescent...