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  1. 94mustang

    NORTHERNleitz 380w LED? In 4x4x7

    Thanks. I'll take a look at some others works. Really got thinking and I'm going to make one crazy rig. Been thinking of ideas. Basically going to make a hood with LED, CFLs and T5s.
  2. 94mustang

    NORTHERNleitz 380w LED? In 4x4x7

    Thanks for the help. I think I'm going to try to do more a hybrid grow 1/2 led 1/2 CFL. I'll probably buy 1 this week and next week buy another. So like 2 300w Ish LED and like another 6-700w cfl. Figured I'd buy more. (600w+ LED and like 600w+ CFL/T5) what do you think? Also I would like to...
  3. 94mustang

    NORTHERNleitz 380w LED? In 4x4x7

    Ok thanks for the input! I'm US. I was looking to place an order within 24hrs $300 range. So I should stay away from this light? Recommend anything? Buying a 4x4x7 tent perfect size for the space I have. I was hoping to be able to do 6-8 plants. Also I have CFLs from my last grow I think I have...
  4. 94mustang

    NORTHERNleitz 380w LED? In 4x4x7

    Ok am thinking of buying a NORTHERNleitz 380w LED and 4x4x7 grow tent. And probably some CFL's for extra light (probably another 4-500w mixed spec). Does this sound like a good start for a small grow? Any one heard of this brand? (eBay) how many plants should fit in the tent under this light...
  5. 94mustang

    What did I do wrong?

    Sorry I am on my mobile I'll post a pic in a little.
  6. 94mustang

    What did I do wrong?

    Should I cut my losses and harvest now or give it longer
  7. 94mustang

    What did I do wrong?

    Ok. I am not sure what's going on or what I did wrong. This is my seckond Time. At a far away glance my buds appear huge about the size of my hand . But at a close look there dosent seem to be much bud at all just little leaves and small balls with lots of white/red hares. It is deffently a...
  8. 94mustang

    Black leaves

    HEY man i saw this post and i have a very simular plant and my seeds are all so unknown ill post some pics. i have not given them hardly any nutes and kept it very healthy
  9. 94mustang

    First time all most over

    Thank you for all of your input! If any one has any other input it would be greatly apreacated. Just to throw this out there I am gunna do a slow cure and I will deffently let you know how it smokes. I am also very excited to start my next grow many of options thow mabe I'll just grow...
  10. 94mustang

    First time all most over

    it has kinda always been dark but got like that dark around flour time? The mails i had to kill where all most as dark
  11. 94mustang

    First time all most over

    So no one know what this is or about how much longer? it has been in flower for about 2 1/2 months. Any one know what i should order or from where?
  12. 94mustang

    First time all most over

    sorry i got the pics up now
  13. 94mustang

    First time all most over

    Hey this is my first grow and i was wondering what everyone thought i was doing and if anyone could tell me about how long i have to to go on my grow. I am growing some bag seeds out of some low grade regular shit. mine seem to be doing way better then the stuff they came from. the idea was...
  14. 94mustang

    Pleas help!

    thank you all to all of your help I will follow your tips and post some new pics in a few days thank you everyone!!¡!
  15. 94mustang

    Pleas help!

    Hey This is my first post i am very new to growing. i am not sure where i went wrong maybe someone can help. ok my grow room setup is--- MG organic Potting soil 4 26w=100w 6500K CFL 1 =150w 2700K CFL 1 4ft 2 lamp t8 with 2 32W natural sunshine 5000K my light cycle is 18/6 1...