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  1. E

    Brown spotting

    The one in the small pot was the bad one and I gave up on it but I’m gonna transplant it and give it to my buddy who’s gonna try and save it
  2. E

    Brown spotting

    :::: forgot what forum I posted this on. I’m using 1000w power bloom at about 20in away I’ve since transplanted them into 3 gal pots using fox farm ocean Forrest soil and mycorrhizal fungi and watered with 6.5 ph molasses M,W,F. temp indoor stays @70F + - 5 degrees. Idk humidity honestly. One...
  3. E

    Brown spotting

    This is my first grow and don’t know too much but I’ve got 4, 31/2 week old white widow’s and I’ve noticed one has gotten some brown spotting and some bumps on the stem. The rest are completely fine just this one is experiencing this. Any help on how to fix and prevent this will be dope. I’ve...