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  1. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Day 56 ... at least 2-3 weeks out, she bounced back nicely
  2. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    So happy I raised that light... the preflower stretch really let this baby come to life !!
  3. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Bouncing back & loving life ... besides the flush ... I think moving the light was a big help... thanks guys
  4. S

    Nutrient Lockout in Organic Grow?

    Hey anyone know... if you top dress with worm castings... does that raise your ppm ???
  5. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    I raised the light but it was a ppm lock out that stunted the growth.. they’re back to growing in a healthy direction... once they bud up, I’ll post some pics ... also give a final timeline from seed to harvest ... a lot of ppl are suggesting the autos may run longer than originally...
  6. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    I got them back on track ... flushed the soil & hit em with an earthworm casting tea... I’ll check back after they kick into bud & share some pics
  7. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Plants bounced back & have started to grow vertically again...Thanks for the light suggestions & flushing info. Gonna wait a few more days & then shape em up
  8. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Great info man... I think I did too much with these & idk how but they got locked out & it drove up the ppm outrageously ... I’m hoping the flush will let them rebound before it’s too late ... next set I’ll just do less
  9. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Yea I mean I think they should put out enough light to grow a decent plant ... I think I got locked out & stressed her out ... wouldn’t be the 1st female I stressed out
  10. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Apparently I can’t like anything yet ... so Thanks
  11. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    I’m using 2 Vivosun 1000s ... leds
  12. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Yea I’m just not used to having the plant dictate to me when it’s gonna flip... if this was a photo in shock, I could veg it out... I’m just afraid these 1s won’t mature enough before they finish ... those ppms have to be the issue ... now I’m gonna fight them being overwatered ... I’m gonna...
  13. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Poland springs comes in at 37 ppm & my tap at 198... I think it’s gotta be a lock out in the soil that’s got my ppm that high ... I’ve never had perfect ph & a ppm that far outta range, without burning the plants ... here’s a stupid question ... would a Co2 supplement change the soil ppm ...
  14. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    I’m gonna assume it’s right & it’s +5k Bc I just try testing the EC & it won’t even give me a reading ... like it’s off the chart or too high a #
  15. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    They don’t look overly “unhealthy” for a ppm of 5k ... I can’t see how that readings accurate
  16. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Fkn Poland springs comes in at 37ppm... how could these girls still be alive & not burned to shit if that reading is correct ... the plants have only been fed 3 times with the low end dosages of the flora trio line ... the run off ph tests fine but the ppms are identical on both plants which...
  17. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Nice chart mate... thanks
  18. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Is it possible to have the right ph’d run off 6.3 but a 5686 ppm reading & have the plants look like they do... that high of a ppm would show signs of burn no ?
  19. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    Valid point... all I know about autos is what I’ve seen on YouTube grows & from what I’ve seen, they harvest pretty close to the timelines every time ... I’m hoping you’re right & I still have more time than I’m anticipating bc I’m gonna need it
  20. S

    New growth everywhere but up !!!

    I’m usually in the range of 78/80 @ 65% Rh ... it drops as the tent stays open longer